Chapter 16 - It Wasn't Your Fault

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I went back out still feeling how my heart was thumping from the conversation with the teacher. He'd been a lot kinder that I'd though he'd be and gave me soft smile when I explained the situation. 

I saw Aston leaning against a metal fence as he scrolled through his phone. As soon as the door slammed shut Ashton turned his head to me. "So how'd it go?"

I smiled at his words and felt so airy, like all my problems had been lifted off my shoulders. I couldn't hold in my laughter, "He's gonna get expelled! They'll actually expel John for what happened." I rubbed my eyes and my smile faded.

"You'll still be suspended for three days though, I wasn't able to do much, sorry." 

Ashton didn't reply back and walked forward and I soon caught up to him to walk by his side. "I probably wouldn't have been able to do anything if it weren't for you," I muttered.

Ashton stayed silent for a moment and then spoke, "I didn't do anything. It was all you." 

My body felt warm from his words but maybe it was just from the sun. "I think I'll tell Darianna about what happened." My voice barely came out in a whisper. 


I sighed and looked up at the beautiful sky that reminded me of romantic sunsets. 

"I want to tell her, because she's my best friend."

He glanced my way and then went back to looking forward. 

"Honestly I don't think it'll be easy, but you know and even my teacher does, but the one I really want to tell myself is Darianna." I turned to look at him even though he wasn't looking at me.

"Just getting it out would maybe," my voice started to tremble, "maybe it'll help me move on." 

I let out a large sigh and smiled. 

"I've gone a bit off course but I'll go back to my original goal." 

Ashton looked at me with furrowed brows which made me chuckle. It was so clear that he was confused and that was honestly kind of cute.

Wait what?



I sat on a bench in the deserted park as Darianna was swinging her legs back and forth. She was waiting for me to speak. She wasn't pressuring me to say something and only sat in silence, basically telling me to take my time, that she'd wait however long I needed her to. The grass was dry and made a rustling sound whenever her feet would brush past it while swinging. The sky was a deep blue colour, one that looked cold and lonesome.


Darianna's feet stopped swinging but she didn't look at me.

"You're probably aware that something happened right?" I chuckled.

She gave me a smile, "yeah." 

I nodded and looked back at the sky filled with stars and a moon that shone so brightly.

"Well at that party.. a guy, well he gave me a few hickeys– even when I told him to stop. So y'know, well yeah, I got a bit sad over it.. Just me overacting aga–" My words got cut off once I saw the way she was looking at me. Her eyes were wide open and her brows furrowed. I could see the fuming anger in her eyes but also the deep sadness.

"You don't need to.. ah.. Well.." The words wouldn't come out, that stinging feeling was coming back.

Darianna wrapped me in a tight hug, all the air nearly left my body.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you," she whispered.

"Protect me? It's not like you're my mom.. hah," I laughed but I could hear how my voice cracked.

"I'm so sorry Femi. It wasn't your fault."

And with that I started bawling, I couldn't hold it in anymore. All those pent up emotions were released through my tears. I gripped her shirt and cried into her, not letting go. My mind went dizzy but I could hear her whisper sorry over and over again. The soft embrace, quiet whispers and muffled cries made my heart finally feel a little lighter.

His Crybaby✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα