Chapter 9 - Messy Breakups Can't Be Avoided

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My eyes were focused on Ashton and Femi kept on giving me small worried glances but I didn't care. He hadn't seemed to notice me, or maybe I wasn't important enough for him to notice me but even so I made sure to keep my eyes on him. 'I don't know what he's playing at but I'm not gonna let him do anything to her.' 

Femi had told me some stories about their childhood and even if she'd smile my way and tell me that she was over it, it was clear that she wasn't. The way her chocolate brown eyes would shimmer whenever she'd bring up their past, turning red by the corners, struggling to hold in her tears. 

It pissed me off. 

It all pissed me off. 

And it was his fault.

The bags that were thrown on the table broke me out of my thoughts and I looked to see who had just done that. Dark eyes glimmered as they looked into mine with a wide smile. The guy took a seat next to mine and slumped down, bumping his knee to the table on the process. 

"So what did I miss?" he asked, his smile still in wide display.

"The thing from last week, we have to write a essay about it," I said.

"We should plan out how we'll divide this project," Femi added in a low voice, it looked like Mako hadn't even heard what she said for a second there.

Ashton put down his phone and sighed. His body shifted to Mako and Mako looked back at him in return.

"We have to get this done by next week," Ashton said. 

My jaw tightened just from hearing his voice and for just a moment his eyes caught mine. We both looked away immediately like we meant nothing to each other, which we basically did. 

"Alright then." Mako slumped further into his seat and looked up. "If we're gonna be stuck with each other for around a week then why not get a littler closer?" 

"What?" my voice came out in a more threatening manner than it was supposed to. 

"How about going to a party? I was invited recently to Jessica's party and had no one to go with." Mako pointed towards Ashton. "Since this jerk over here didn't even bother to think about going with me." 

He let out an exaggerated sigh and then went back to his rambling. "If we're gonna be stuck together doing a trashy essay then we might as well make it more fun by growing closer with each other."

We all stayed silent. Femi looked like she was honestly contemplating it but was leaning more towards the option of not going while Ashton looked bored out of his mind. As for me, the choice was still unclear. 

"When does the party start?" I asked.

Mako gave me a smirk, "around ten-fifty."

At a time like that I'd be out of home.

I could come up with a solid excuse. Would I even need one when it came to him? Either way between staying there and being out partying the choice was clear as day.

"I'm in."

Femi looked up at me with wide eyes and them stumbled with her words. "I'll go too!" 

We all turned to look at Ashton waiting for his answer but he remained silent.

Mako let out a sigh, "I'll text you the address and the time so you don't forget." 

Ashton picked up his phone without saying anything and we all started working on the project silently.




Femi and I parted ways at our usual place and for the rest of the time I walked home alone in silence. I stopped by a convenience store to go buy a drink. I wasn't even thirsty but anything that'd stall me from getting home was fine by me. Before I could leave a loud smack echoed through the thin walls. Soon after a woman bumped into me and ran out with tears in her eyes. It was just a short glimpse that I caught of her but I could tell that her mascara was a mess. 

I peeked behind me too see who could've caused such a scene only to see familiar dark brown eyes.

His sunkissed skin had a weird yellow tint to it thanks to the dingy lighting. 

Mako. He stood there with a red cheek and I jumped to the nearest isle to hide. 

'Did Mako just have a messy break up in a convenience store?'

'And did I seriously just witness that?'

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