7 - Laser Tag

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" forty days and forty nights, I've waited for a girl like you to come and
save my life~ "
- out of my league by fitz and the tantrums

We've been filming for 6 days now, laughing and creating memories while doing what we love most.

"And- cut! Good work today everyone!" Shawn announced, escorting all the mics and cameras into the back room. I grabbed my bottle from the table and drank a few sips, relieved that we're done filming for the day.

"Hey," Walker said, walking up to me, taking his bottle and drinking it too.

"Hi. Where's Ryan and Emma?" I asked, putting back my bottle.

"Not sure, they could be anywhere," he was leaning on the table again.

Is Walker leaning really that attractive to me? Apparently it is.

"Y/n, Walker! Guess what~!" Emma said rushing towards us, "I got us tickets for laser tag today!" She screeched, her energy unable to suppress itself. I, myself, was ecstatic from the news. I've never played laser tag before, so this would be a very fun first experience.

"Did someone say laser tag?!" Ryan's head stuck out of the pillar beside Walker.

"Were you there the whole damn time?" Walker spat out.


"Also, I heard that, Y/n," Ryan said, moving his eyebrows up and down and smirking at me.

"I didn't say anything?" I said, scoffing and just laughing it off.

"oH My GoD wAlkEr'S sOOOO aTtraCtiVe~" he said drowsily. My face started to heat up as I felt something thump onto my shoulder. It was Walker, probably burying his flustered face in my shoulder again, "Aha! Got you this time!" He joked.

So, I didn't say that aloud?

"Alright that's enough blushing for today, love birds, come on, we're going to be late if you don't get to your dressing room's in time!" Emma said, pulling us towards our dressing rooms. I shut the door behind me, heading to my closet to choose a suitable outfit. I settled with a basic long-sleeve and jeans, a skinny fit since I'm pretty sure they hook up things onto you.

 I settled with a basic long-sleeve and jeans, a skinny fit since I'm pretty sure they hook up things onto you

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^^ I really don't know how laser tag works so idk if there's a dress code or not-?


The place was buzzing with cast mates, the extra's and stunt doubles, there were basically around 14-20 people here.

"Alright, there will be two rounds!" The instructor announced after everyone got their laser guns and targets attached. "First round is random team mates, we will be selecting people to either be in team red, or team blue, ready everyone?" The group of people responded with 'ready', allowing the instructors to divide everyone.


"Phew, I didn't wanna go against you this round since it's your first time, I'd be too tempted to shoot you," Walker said jokingly.

"Excuse me? Party pooper, not allowing his cast mate to have fun," I said, pouting.

"You're so weird," He joked, laughing.

The game started as the room turned dark, a bunch of glowing arrows for directions and weird rooms with pillars and extra walls for protection.

"Just follow my lead," Walker said, grabbing my hand after struggling to find it in the dark. I'm so glad he can't see me because I'm probably as red as a tomato right now.

I held onto my gun, gripping it as tightly as possible. I then saw a small red light from the corner of my eye. I let go of Walker's hand and shot the red target, the bright red dot fading into a glowing white one.

"Holy shit she's good," Walker said under his breath.

"What was that?" I said turning towards him, but before he could respond, he turned to his right and shot someone else. He did it all in a quick; swift motion. He looked- hot doing it. (before you all yell at me, in this story, Walker and Y/n are 14, and I mean it in the most respectful way possible.)

"Now what was that?" Walker asked, chuckling.

"Nothing, let's go," I'm not sure if I said that out loud, but it's been happening a lot recently. I happened to take laser tag very seriously. Too seriously in fact. I held onto my gun firmly, making sure no red's were in sight. "Come on, follow along, Walker,"

"I'm literally behind you, chill," He responded in a hushed tone. Just then, I spotted a laser pointing right at me before I felt someone slam me into the wall, (yeah I see you DIRTY MINDED FOLKS) making the laser completely miss me.

"Jeez, you need to be better at dodging," Walker said in front of me. We were excruciatingly close, noses basically touching, so I just slid out of his grasp, my breath shortage from running around the place increasing.

"Thanks. And it's not my fault you play with the VR headset way too often," I managed to play it off really well actually, I surprised myself. He rolled his eyes and adjusted his grip on the gun.

"Fine, but be more alert, I'm not gonna shove you into a wall again to save your ass,"


"It's been 5 minutes, where is everyone?" I whispered to Walker behind me, who was following blindly like a small puppy making sure to follow its owner so he doesn't go missing.

"I don't know, maybe-" Before he could respond we spotted someone trying to shoot us.

"Sorry to interrupt your cute moment but we're 100% not losing to you guys," Ryan said, trying to look for us in the dark. Walker and I hid, backs towards the carpet-covered wall.

"Come out come out wherever you are~" Emma sang. She's here too. We're probably the only ones left.

"Nuh uh!" Walker sassed.

"Shut up, Walker!" I said, silencing him. Walker then spun me around, pulling me down and forcing me to crouch. "What the fuck!"

"Shh, we need a plan, we can't just stand here and hide," He said, taking a peek from behind the wall. "Okay, so Emma's behind one of the pillars and Ryan is exposed, so I'm going to go out and shoot Ryan, and you're gonna shoot Emma since she'll go out and shoot me, got it?" He whispered. I simply nodded and gulped, incredibly nervous. "On my mark, okay?" He patted my shoulder and shuffled closer to the edge of the wall, taking another small peek.




Walker and I stood up, him running towards Ryan, shooting him and from the corner, I shot directly at Emma's target. Both Ryan and Emma's targets turned white, winning the game!

Congrats on your win in laser tag everyone *claps*. Anyways, hope you all enjoy this chapter, sorry it took a while to update :( - Raven

this is such a fun chapter, maybe my fav. idk why i hated this back then its so fun to read - Raven

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