16 - Bloopity Bloopers

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" all that other noise is just a waste of time, you're the only music on my mind. "
- moment in the sun by sunflower bean

"Oh come on, sweetheart, don't be sad, we'll see each other again in a few months," Emma comforted as she hugged me, kissing the top of my head, "Besides, there are way too many videos I've compiled, come on!"

Today was the final day of shooting, we've just completed the last few scenes and Emma was going to show a little video diary she made while we were on set, everyone was arranging chairs for the cast and crew to watch it.

"Oh cheer up, Y/n," Walker said, nudging my shoulder, "We're still gonna hang out, anyway,"

"Yeah, I guess so," I could tell Walker was upset too, but I still appreciated his comfort.

"Come on, sloppy children! The chairs are set up!" Ryan laughed in a sarcastic tone, trying to cheer everyone up. Walker joined in and walked to the area where they arranged the chairs, a huge projector above us.

"Woah," I gasped, trailing behind him.

"Settle down everyone!" Shawn cheered, taking a seat at the front. I sat down on the second row, Walker to my right and Emma to my left. The crew turned the lights off and the video projected onto the big white screen.


"What the hell, Walker?!" Y/n yelled from the set of Liam's house.

"What?" Walker asked, coming into frame.

"You broke the vase, didn't you,"

"... No,"

"He did," Ryan yelled from inside the basement, getting ready for a scene.

"Ryan! You said you wouldn't snitch!" Walker yelled at him, Emma laughing behind the camera.


"... Apple," Y/n said with a blank stare. pointing towards an apple she glued googly eyes on. Walker appeared and knocked the apple off the table as Y/n's screams cut off.


"Dude, no, how the hell is x equalled to 18? This is like basic maths shit," Y/n was taking a look at Walker's homework while on set.

"No? I suck at algebra if you couldn't tell by now,"

"Here, give it to me," Y/n snatched Walker's worksheet and read the question, rolling her eyes and slamming it back in front of Walker, "It's CLEARLY 3, where the fuck did you get 18??"

"I don't know? From the underworld, where you belong,"



Emma was wearing one of the gowns for her scene and did a little twirl, but suddenly tripped, ripping the bottom of the dress.

"Oops-" She gasped and began saying apologies to the crew while everyone else laughed.

"Well, there goes a perfectly good dress," Walker whined, sucking from his straw loudly.

"What, you wanted to try it?" Y/n responded, shifting her camera from Emma to Walker.

"What? N-"

The clip then switches to a video of Walker trying on the ripped dress, a very irritated look on his face, his cheeks flushing red.

"Oh come on, you look like cinderella!" Y/n was constantly giggling from behind the camera.

"I don't even know how you convinced me to wear this,"

"It's because you loveeee mee,"

"No I don't!"


Walker and Y/n were filming a scene where they were entering a restaurant, well, Liam and Evelina were entering a restaurant but that's besides the point.

"Y/n we gotta- oh shit, I said the wrong name," Walker face palmed himself, walking back to where they had just came from.

"You are literally so dumb,"

"Says the person who said Walker's name a little too much," Ryan butted in.

"We don't talk about that," Y/n responded, eyeing the camera.

end of reel.

A little filler chapter aha, also NO. The story is not ending, there's still around... 10+ chapters left (yes, not much). There's just gonna be a bunch of interviews and stuff so yeah :) - Raven

this was cute but so short, I should probably make more in my free time if I've got ideas. its like mini mini oneshots - Raven

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