Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The Three Spider-Man + Gwen

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Chapter 4: The Three Spider-Man + Gwen




Peter sits alone. The bag of destroyed cures placed next to him.

Suddenly, Ned and MJ appear and wrap him in a hug. Peter collapse's into them and sobs.

"I'm sorry." MJ spoke softly to calm peter down after what just happened back at the apartment with aunt may. MJ gently pulls back—

"Peter, there's... there's some people here."

"What?" Peter leaps up, sensing them. The eldest and the other Peter stare down from the schools tower, silhouetted by the moon. But Gwen isn't shown to this universes Peter just yet.

Peter takes a protective stance, guarding his friends, as the other peters swing down where Gwen is.

"Hey, wait, wait— woah!" Peter blurted out while knowing that these people are him but from a different universe. He didn't trust them one bit though.

"Sorry....about may." The eldest Peter gave him a small frown since he knows how it feels since his uncle also passed away.

"Yeah, sorry. I've got some understanding of what it—" Peter got cut off before he could even finish his sentence.

"No,no, no... please don't tell me you know what I'm going through."

"Okay." He nods as he gently whispered his sentence, he glanced over at Gwen.

"She's gone. And it's all my fault. She died for nothing. So I'm gonna do what I should have done in the first place." Peter reaches for the box in MJ's hand.

"Peter—"The eldest Peter said.

"Please, don't! You don't belong here, either of you. So I'm sending you home. Those others guys are from your worlds, right?" Gwen's Peter nods.

"So you deal with it. And if they die, if you killed them... that's on you. It's not my problem. I don't care anymore. I'm done. I'm really sorry I dragged you into this. But you have to go home now. Good luck." Peter reaches for the box again, but MJ gently pulls it back. She looks at Peter giving him a 'just hear them out' look.

"My uncle Ben died. It was my fault." The eldest Peter said softly while looking down.

"I lost..." The first Peter that came through the portal said, his voice changed raspy and cracky while trying not to tear up.

"I lost Gwen. My, um... she was my MJ. I couldn't save her. I'm never going to be able to forgive my self for that. But I carried on, tried to, um... try to keep going, try to keep being the uh... that 'friendly neighborhood Spider-Man' because I knew that's what she would've wanted. But at some point I, just— I stopped pulling my punches. I got rageful. I got bitter. I just don't want you to end up like... like me." He looked back down as Gwen came out of the shadows. MJ and Ned's Peter looked up at the lady with a confused look.

"The spell. I can here because of the um... the spell. Just like those other people." She said referring to the villains. MJs Peter felt bad as to what happened to him since he could not imagine losing his MJ, he would not be able to live with himself.

"The night ben died, I hunted down the man who I thought did it. I wanted him dead. I got what I wanted. But it didn't make it better. It took me a long time to learn to get through that darkness." The eldest Peter sadly said.

Peter is reeling. Struck by their loses. Their regrets. Their warnings.

"I want to kill him. I want to tear him apart. I can still hear her voice I'm my head. Even after she was hurt, she said to me that we did the right thing. She told me that, 'with great power—"

" 'comes great responsibility." The eldest peters eyes wide open as he also thought he could have been the only one who got told that. The three Peters look at each other. 'How do they know?'

"Wait, what? How do you know that?"

"Uncle Ben said it." Gwen's Peter said.

"The day he died."

The three Peters's stare at each other, overwhelmed by this uncanny connection. Bound together across universes by those words.

"Maybe she didn't die for nothing, Peter"


I love this book so much and I am on
break so more chapters coming soon! Stay tuned and
I hope your
Having a good

- Actuallyolive

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