Chapter 9

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"Aaaaah, I'm so bored!" Naruto exclaimed as he lay in the grass on Team Seven's training ground. Training was over for the day, and the whole team was just lounging for the moment.

Sasuke, sitting with his back against a tree, smiled as he stared at the frustrated Naruto.

'Well, at least he's back to his normal self, and the wound seems to have healed properly as well.'

"Hey, I sense your gaze on me," Naruto said, turning his head to glare at his friend. "Stop undressing me with your eyes!"

Sasuke actually laughed at that.

"Naruto, while you are definitely handsome, I've already told you you're not my type."

"Sasuke called me handsome..." Naruto muttered, shivering slightly. "This feels wrong on so many levels... Well, at least now I know why you're aligned with the Fire Element."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. He knew an insult was incoming, and yet he couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean?"

"Well, you're flaming!" Naruto said, sitting up and grinning at Sasuke, flashing him a thumbs up. "It fits, you ol' queer, you."

Sasuke sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm going to have to endure a lot of this, aren't I?"

"Obviously, since you're not actually offended by it."

"But I am offended."

"Stop lying. I can tell when you lie."


"Your skin gets this rainbow-glow when you lie."

"Okay..." Sasuke muttered, getting to his feet. "Naruto, I'm actually not offended when you say things like that, but..."

"But...?" Naruto urged, raising an eyebrow. Sasuke smirked and cracked his knuckles.

"But I'm still obligated to kick your ass in the name of homosexuality."


"That sounds pretty gay, man."

Naruto yelped and jumped away as a Goukakyuu fired at lightning speed came hurtling toward him.

"Hinata!" Naruto barked as he ran past his giggling teammate. "Talk Sasuke down! You know, girl-to-girl!"

The next fireball was even larger than the others.

"You...!" Sasuke growled, then suddenly stopped, because Naruto had done so. The only reason Naruto would stop while being chased by a fire-spitting Sasuke would be if something serious had happened.

"Someone's coming," Naruto said, turning to the trees to their right. "Don't recognize 'em."

Within a few seconds, a kneeling ANBU, wearing a white coat with hood, and a mask that Naruto easily recognized.

"Ah, you're that Captain..."

"Naruto-san, Sasuke-san, your presence is requested at the Hokage Tower," the captain said, which made Naruto grin as he nudged Sasuke.

"Notice how he said my name first? Means I'm better."

"Just us?" Sasuke asked, ignoring Naruto. "Not Team Seven?"

"Neither Hyuuga Hinata nor Kakashi-senpai are being summoned. Only you two."

"Alright, thanks, Captain," Naruto said with a grin, flashing him a thumbs up.

The captain nodded, then blurred away again.

"He sounded respectful, just like the rest," Sasuke commented curiously.

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