Chapter 12

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"Hell no!"

Kakashi, Sasuke, and Hinata all tensed up at Naruto's protest as they stood in the mission office, having just been assigned a mission by Tsunade, who immediately glared at him.

"What kind of a response is that, brat?"

"We're a team comprised of a Jounin and three Chunnin," Naruto said, glaring right back. "Don't waste resources assigning us a damn C-rank!"

"As much as I agree with you," Sasuke muttered as he leaned in, "the Godaime can be terrifying if you act like this..."

"Naruto, listen-" Tsunade started, but was interrupted when the doors slammed open.

"T-Trouble, Godaime-sama!" a Chunnin from the Decyphering Corps yelled as she barged into the room.

"What is it?" Tsunade asked, blinking.

"Suna's Kazekage has been taken by an organization called Akatsuki!" the Chunnin exclaimed. "We just received the message!"

"The Kazekage..." Naruto muttered. "Gaara, eh?"

"Right," Tsunade said, closing her eyes in thought. "Well then, Team Kakashi, I'll tell you your new mission! You are to go immediately to Sunagakure no Sato, find out the situation, and relay it to Konoha. After that, follow the orders of Suna and back them up."

"Heh, sounds a bit more interesting than a C-rank, that's for sure!" Naruto said with a grin, to which Sasuke smirked.

"Seems your luck holds up even after all this time," he commented. "When do we leave?"

"ASAP," Tsunade said, and Team Seven nodded, before leaving the mission office.

It was no more than fifteen minutes later that Team Seven stood at the West Gate, ready to head off.

"It's our first mission in a while, and it's an important one," Kakashi said, his hands in his pockets. "Here's hoping it goes well."

"As Kakashi said, it's very important that this mission is a success," Tsunade, standing at the gate with them, said with her arms crossed.

"Don't worry, baa-chan," Naruto said, giving a lazy salute. "We'll get Gaara back."

"Yo, Naruto!" came Jiraiya's voice as the Sannin landed in front of them. "Going on a mission? Tsunade, I have news. Suna's Kazekage-"

"I know, I'm just about to send these brats to get him back," Tsunade interrupted with a gesture for Team Seven. Jiraiya blinked as he looked at them, then walked over to whisper to Tsunade.

"Hm, you do know about the thing between Naruto and Akatsuki, right?"

"He can handle it," Tsunade said firmly.

"I see. Then, one last talk," Jiraiya said as he walked up to Naruto. "Now, brat, I know you're strong and all, but this is Akatsuki you're going to deal with. Strategy has never been your strong point, so don't go rushing in head-first. If not Sasuke, follow Kakashi's lead, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," Naruto said, waving him off.

"Right, then," Jiraiya said, straightening up. "Kakashi, he's all yours. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

"Right!" Naruto barked suddenly. "Let's go, then!"

With that, Naruto's legs tensed up. Cracks were heard coming from the ground, before he suddenly disappeared with a crack like thunder, leaving only a cloud of dust behind.

"Heh, man's gotten fast, I admit," Sasuke said with a smirk. "Hinata, sensei, try to keep up."

With that said, Sasuke blurred away as well.

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