Chapter 19

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"Damn brats... Maybe... Maybe I'm getting old-eurgh!"

"He doesn't look too good," Sasuke quipped, standing some distance away from Kakashi, who was leaning against a tree with his back toward his students. His mask was down, and his free hand was clutching at his stomach while he emptied its contents. Sasuke looked to Hinata. "Think you went a little overboard?"

"S-Sorry..." Hinata mumbled, poking her fingers together. "I honestly thought he would dodge, so..."

"Speaking of which, you have gotten fast, Hinata," Sasuke praised, giving her a thumbs up. "Faster than Naruto without his Space-Time Ninjutsu, that's for damn sure. Should I be worried you might take my place as Team Seven's speed freak?"

"Thank you for your confidence in me, Sasuke-kun, but I don't think I'll ever reach your level of speed," Hinata said, before glancing over at Kakashi in concern. "Um, should we help him?"

"Leave him," Sasuke said simply, waving her off. "He knew what he was getting into when he asked for a two-on-one. The only reason I'd want to go over there now is to see what he looks like under that mask, but circumstances being what they are, it's-" Sasuke cut himself off as another violent burst of projectile vomit was unleashed from their Jounin teacher. "-gross..."

"Sensei!" Hinata called to the cyclops. "Do you need any help?"

"I'm fine!" Kakashi barked as he gave her a wave over his shoulder. "Training's over for the day... You guys can go into town and-ugh... get something to eat..."

"Should we bring you back something?"

"I'm fine..."

The two spared him a glance, then moved out of the clearing, heading for the nearby village they were staying in for the night. Sasuke patted Hinata on the shoulder.

"You're pretty inventive, Hinata. I didn't know Juuken could be used to do things like that."

"It usually isn't, but with my training with Tsunade-sama, I have gotten a good grasp of human anatomy and its functions."

"Still, making an enemy projectile vomit is a great way to stop them in their tracks," Sasuke said, then glanced back toward the clearing where Kakashi was, "for a long time, it seems."

"How do you think Naruto-kun is doing?"

"Probably training, getting stronger, acting cocky..." Sasuke's expression darkened as he listed off what he believed his best friend to be doing, "...talking shit, striking poses, insulting me... Damn it, Naruto, shut up already!"

Hinata blinked at Sasuke's outburst, but then smiled softly. He looked like he was actually hearing Naruto in his head, and talked as though Naruto could hear him.

Meanwhile, far, far away, on Myobokuzan, Senju Naruto gave a violent sneeze, then clutched his fist angrily.

"I really want to punch Sasuke right now..."


Fukasaku was sitting in front of the standing ninja, blinking in confusion. They were standing in front of a large stone wall. A toad head carved into the wall was spewing a clear liquid like a waterfall in the fountain underneath it. All around them were giant stone toad statues, all sitting in a meditative position.

"Never mind, Pa," Naruto said, waving him off. Naruto wasn't much for honorifics, after all, and Fukasaku had been more than happy to have him call the old toad Pa. The old toad Shima, his wife, had been extremely happy to be called Ma. Apparently, it made her all nostalgic, like "having a little Jiraiya-chan" with them again. "So, what's this?"

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