Chapter 16

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Even though all the members of Team Gai had become Chunnin (Neji having reached the rank of Jounin), they still got together for training sessions with their Jounin. As much as Tenten and Neji hated to admit it, Gai's training was amazing. That was why they still gathered in Training Area One every other day to spar and exercise.

"That's right, my young'uns!" Gai barked with a sparkling grin as he watched Lee and Neji sparring, Tenten sitting off to the side drinking water. "Youth waits for no one! Give it your all, and then give some more!"

"Youth has long since run away from you..." Tenten muttered quietly enough to escape Gai's notice. "Maybe you need to take a breath and calm down a bit..."

An expertly executed catch and palm strike to the chest sent Lee to the ground, Neji standing over him with his hand raised and ready to strike.

"You're still telegraphing your kicks somewhat," Neji said, grabbing Lee's hand and helping him to his feet. "You need to relax."

"Thank you for the advice," Lee said with a grateful smile. "But you're just so fast that my style can't help but slip a little in my rush, especially if I want to maintain my power."

"Well, practice makes perfect," Neji stated as he turned around and walked five steps away from Lee, before turning to his teammate and taking a fighting stance. "Let's go again, Lee."

"Right!" Lee exclaimed, taking the Goken stance.

Before they could charge at one another, however, a voice reached their ears, one that they instantly recognized.

"Oh, wow, you're all so energetic, even this early!"

The team spun around to find none other than Senju Naruto approaching, smiling brightly at them.

"Oho, Naruto-kun!" Gai barked, his grin widening. "What brings you here this early? Training as well?"

"Yeah, I was about to start, but I wanted to talk to you first, Gai-sensei," Naruto said, waving him over.

"Well then, what can I help you with?" Gai asked, approaching the blond, who reached up and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Well... In my last fight, I fought this guy who was damn near my equal in stamina. One of the reasons why I almost lost was because I wasted way too much energy fighting him. Kakashi-sensei says that it's because I'm an instinctual brawler. I never actually learned a proper style, not even the academy style. He said that if anyone knew a style that fits me, it'd be you."

"My rival certainly knows what he's talking about, Naruto-kun," Gai said with a nod. "From what I've seen and heard from Kakashi, you are, much like Lee and myself, a fighter whose focus lies in causing external damage and breaking bones."

Naruto glanced from Gai to Lee, who gave a wave followed by a nice guy pose. His brow furrowed a bit as he looked back to Gai.

"You mean I'm suited for the Goken?"

"No," Gai said immediately, shaking his head. "No, the Goken is a style fitting a high-spirited hard worker who has never been trained. It shapes the fighter to fit it."

Gai took a few steps back and closed his eyes. He seemed to be contemplating something, and Naruto put his hands in his pockets as he waited for the Jounin to speak again.

"With your existing experience in fighting, you have already developed a set of movements that you are comfortable with, Naruto-kun, so it may be damaging to learn a whole new style at this point."

After another few moments of silence, Gai opened his eyes and assumed a nice-guy pose, a sparkling grin almost blinding Naruto.

"Yosh! Naruto-kun, if you will allow me, I wish to help you refine your current form into a whole new style!"

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