Todoroki x F!Y/N🍋

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A/N: pls no hate comments and stuff like that also todoroki is aged up also don't be afraid to put o request in the comments bc i would be more than happy to write 


You bounce from foot to foot as you watch the numbers on the elevator tick away until they finally stop at the penthouse. Smiling as the doors open up you step into the little entryway and unlock the door of yours and your boyfriend's shared home. Quickly locking the door behind you. Walking in you drop a little box onto the kitchen table before carrying the sleek little black bag to the bedroom, you drop it on the dresser and set to work. You quickly make the bed, before running around the rest of the penthouse to make sure that everything is put away and clean.

Finally, you head into the master bathroom and get yourself ready for your surprise. Throwing on some simple makeup and styling your hair, you head back out to the bedroom and dig into your little bag. Chewing on your bottom lip, you pull out a new dark red and blue lingerie set. Looking over it, you smile softly and pad over to the full length mirror and hold the set up against yourself. Giving a small nod you step away from the mirror and change into it. Making sure everything looks right and fits properly you smile brightly. For a quick finishing touch you head into the closet and pull out one of Shoto's plain white button up shirts and slip it on, leaving it unbuttoned. Grabbing your phone you drop onto the bed and text Shouto to see when he'll be home.

Laying down, you pout when you get no reply, but smile brightly when your phone buzzes to life.

"Hi, love. I'll be home in about 20 minutes, do you need me to pick something up?" Shoto's smooth voice sounds through the speaker.

"Hi, baby, no I'm good. I just missed you and wanted to know how much longer I had to wait to see you again."

"Well I'm getting in my car now so a little less than 20 minutes depending on traffic. Would you like me to stop and pick up dinner?"

"No, that's ok. We can go out later or maybe order in."

"That sounds wonderful, love. I'll see you in a bit?"

"See you in a bit, Sho."

As the line goes silent you set your phone down and quickly scurry into the kitchen to collect the little pink box from the table. Grabbing it, you dig through one of the drawers and pull out a little pack of candles. Taking on from the box, you grab the lighter from the same drawer and scurry back to the bedroom and wait. Opening the box you pull out the little cupcake and place the candle on it. Setting that down you go around and add candles around the room, lighting them as you go. Hearing the faint jingle of keys and the front door opening, you quickly scramble back onto the bed, grabbing the cupcake. You quickly position yourself on your knees in the middle of the bed. As you hear Shoto moving around in the other room, you light the candle and toss the lighter away, before looking up at the door.

"Love? Are you in here?" Shoto questions, as he pushes the bedroom door open, hands working to loosen his tie, only to stop when he sees you in the middle of the bed.

"Happy birthday, Shoto." You smile holding the cupcake out towards him.

Shoto smiles and walks closer to you to blow out the candle before kissing you sweetly. "Thank you, love."

You smile into the kiss and move to set the cupcake down on the nightstand. As you move away from him, he finally looks around the room, smiling at the candles before sucking in a breath when his eyes focus on you again. Offering him a little smile you shift up onto your knees again and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him into a deep kiss. He groans quietly into the kiss and wraps his arm around your waist tugging you closer to him. His hands move down your back to cup your ass, thumbs brushing over the soft dark blue lace that covers it.

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