Chapter 6

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Niragi placed his arm around your shoulder as the two of you walked back to the motorcycle. He placed his hands on your hips, picking you up and sitting you down on the motorcycle. He got on, you wrapped your arms around his waist tightly. He started the engine and drove off. Again, it was about a 10 minute drive back to the beach. He got off first then help you off.

Niragi:"Boss has some business he needs help with. Wanna come with me or go back to Chi?"

He said, scratching the back of his neck.

Y/N:"I'll go with you."

Niragi:"Ok, we'll have to wait here for a little."

About 2 minutes later, the militants pulled in the parking lot. They all parked and got out of their cars. Aguni approached the two of you.

He asked Niragi.

Niragi:"Yes boss." The militants all stood behind him. Niragi took his place at Aguni's side, you linked arms with Niragi. You all made your way to the poll area of the beach.

Niragi:"Hey! Stop playing that tacky music!"

Everyone went silent as the music stopped, everyone looked at the group. You continued walking until Aguni stopped in front of Ryohei, Kuina and an unfamiliar woman.

God I hope Ryohei doesn't recognize me.

You thought. You had changed in the way you looked.

Aguni:"What happened to your pal?"

Nothing but silence. Ryohei just stared at him with a death glare.

Karube, Chota? You thought.

Aguni:"I see. He died. What a shame. So only the small fish survived."

Karube. You thought.

You had dated Karube and he was your best friend. Until you went missing.

Kunia:"Do you know each other?" Kuina questioned.

Aguni:"You," he gestured to Niragi.

Aguni:"Bring that woman over."

You let go of Niragi's arm. He walked over to the woman. Ryohei suddenly stood up.

Ryohei:"Hey!" Kuina interrupted him.

So that is Ryohei. You knew it was him from the moment you saw him, his voice confirmed it.

Kuina:"Stop. Don't get yourself involved!"

Niragi:"Our boss says he wants to have a taste of you, come."

He grabbed the woman by the arm. Ryohei slapped his arm away.

Ryohei:"Stop it." He grumbled.

Niragi:"What should we do about this kid?" He questioned Aguni.

Aguni:"Break his legs so that he'll die in the next game."

Niragi nodded his head.

Niragi:"Yes. You guys! Bring the woman to him." He told two of the militants.

Niragi:"You come with me." Niragi told Ryohei as he grabbed him by the arm. Ryohei broke free from Niragi's grip. You stood with the other militants. Niragi made his way back to Ryohei. You suddenly heard Hatter speak up.

Hatter:"Is this a fight?" People cleared the way as he walked with his goons.

Aguni:"Back off, Hatter. This doesn't concern you."

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