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Chapter 8
First Year: The Third floor Corridor and fainting professors

Chapter 8First Year: The Third floor Corridor and fainting professors————————————————

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September 3rd, 1991, The great hall

Seeing both Harry and Ron sitting in the great hall the next morning set Caroline's spirits lower than the moment she woke up, but seeing the empty hourglass floating by the Gryffindor table, she had a small skip in her step.

With a small smile, she slid into her seat next to Theo and Draco, Blaise and Viola on the opposite side of the table.

"What's got your spirits so high this morning Caroline?" Gemma asked, a smile gracing her face as well. She knew full well what had the younger female in such a mood, stealing glances at the Gryffindor's faces when they saw the hourglass.

"I haven't a clue of what you could mean dear Gemma" With a grin, Caroline started eating the food that appeared before her.

"You did well last night Caroline, it's all the house is talking about, and your respect has gone up as well" Gemma congratulated "just don't get too full of yourself"

Caroline nodded her head to the older prefect, grabbing another strawberry before slipping it into her mouth. Looking around her she couldn't help but almost grin as she looked at her house, her friends were getting along, Slytherin were joyful and Professor Quirrell was.. looking at her?

"Theo, slightly look up to the staff table and tell me what you see" Caroline ordered Theodore, whom did exactly what she said and gazed up to the teachers.

"Um, I see Snape glaring at your brother, Sprout talking with McGonagall, Dumbledore missing, Trelawney is eating some weird food and Quirrell is.. staring straight at you, why is he looking at you Caroline?" From their eavesdropping, the rest of the group slowly turned to the staff table.

"Oh my god, Caroline i think you have a pervert looking at you" Viola spoke up, eyes wide as she stared at her first friend and the weird teacher everyone disliked. "And you were alone with him just yesterday before we turned up at class"

"I think maybe you should just stay with us when we go to defence from now on Caroline"

"Yeah.. maybe"


Somewhere else in the castle of wonders, a small curious Slytherin 1st year was wondering the corridors. Her name was Alysa Hazel, and she was from the noble house of Walden, a recently new pureblood household.

She was on her way to the hall but unfortunately had gotten lost from her friends on the second floor. Alone and with no guidance to the hall, she was left to wander by herself until she could find someone.

However on her way down the stairs, they decided to change, forcing her to go up to the third floor instead of down to the first floor, and through a random door.

A door on the third floor corridor.


By now it was the end of the school day, Caroline and her friends - followers - whatever they were viewed as, were now on their way to the great hall for dinner, it was only the third day of school and she was already quite tired of Hogwarts.

Rumours had started up about Caroline not actually being a Potter, and that she was actually a replacement for the real boy-who-lived dead sister who mysteriously couldn't survive on that night that the dark lord attacked Godrics Hollow.

The Slytherins were ecstatic at that rumour, although everyone knew it was Ron Weasley that started it, thus making it very low in the possibility of it being true.

Harry though tried defending her, maybe it was because she was his real sister, or he was trying to trick her into trusting his and that's why Ron started those rumours. Adrian stuck around all day on the fourth day, or basically anytime he was free to help within his timetable for the next month, and now it was the thirty-first of October, the day that Lord Voldemort was 'killed'.

Plopping very ungraceful into the seat next to our main character, Viola groaned to herself.

"Vi, dearest, what's up your ass this morning?" Blaise oh so gratefully asked, only to receive a kick to his shins,

"Shut it Blaise, do you know how annoying Hufflepuff's are when you accidentally knock over their friend?" with another run at her thigh, along with a groan, she snatched a goblet from the table and chugged the drink.

"pfft" 'smack'

Caroline silently giggled at her friends, they were now playing footsies under the table, nocking their arms into the people next to them.

It was all fun and games as the friends laughed amongst themselves. Adrian was sitting with his own group, and although not close, still snickered at the first years games.

"oh right!" Theo spoke out, hands clamping together as he stared at each of his friends, "guess what i heard in the library today?"

"what Theo?"

His friends glanced between themselves curiously, slowly leaning towards the boy.

"There was a group of first years, some of the other Slytherins, and they were speaking pretty loud"

Viola deadpanned, "so you basically spied on them?"

"what no!' he objected, sighing before continuing on 'they were pretty loud ya know? But they're topic of conversation was what intrigued me the most, something to do with the third floor corridor"

Blaise was practically bouncing in his seat by now, stars in his eyes

"Apparently one of them got lost, and wondered into there. There's a cerberus apparently! Can you believe that?"

Caroline couldn't believe it, sneaking a glance at the head table, she wondered her eyes over all the teachers.

Keeping a thing like that in a school full of children! How much more irresponsible could they get?!

"Are you sure that's what they said?" Viola asked, her tone the quietest the group had ever heard from the girl,

Theo nodded his head, glancing down the table to another group of people,

"it was those people, the group of three"

before they could question Theodore any longer, the Hall door burst open, and in came a very sweaty and flustered professor Quirrell.


"thought you ought to know"

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