~ Your Center ~

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"Believe us North," Jack reasons as we go down the makeshift elevator, "it's nothing personal."

"It just really isn't our thing," I support.

North completely ignores us as we reach the right floor. "Man in Moon says it your thing, then it your thing. We will see."

I glance hopelessly at Jack, not knowing where this will go. He shakes his head at me, chuckling softly and trying to keep up with the man in a hurry. Must be those long legs.

"Slow down, would you?" Jack pleads, moving me subconsciously out of the way of a bustling Yeti and saving me from collision. "I've been trying to bust in here for years," he admits. I punch his shoulder, albeit knowing full well he has. "What? I want a good look," he pouts.

North spins, "what do you mean bust in!?" He is quickly distracted by a beautiful new dollhouse.

"Don't worry," Jack says defensively, "I never got past the Yetis." One of the bigger creatures makes a gibberish noise at Jack before palming his fist. "Oh, hey, Phil," he says casually, pulling me along.

"Hi, Phil," I add whilst hurrying past - he was the one to twirl me earlier on, I recognise his unique colouration. I earn myself a change of expression and soft smile.

"Keep up you two!" North shouts from a dozen meters ahead. It's just so hard not to be captivated by the magic going on around you. The multitude of creations in the making.

"I always though the elves made the toys?" I inquire whilst dodging an aeroplane. Jack points his stick at me as a way of saying what she said.

North leans down between us, "we just let them believe that," he whispers. I glance over to the small creatures having fun with the Christmas tree ornaments. Definitely not qualified to be making actual toys. One of them plugs in the lights and electrocuted his friend. The sight makes me laugh. "Very nice!" North comments. "Keep up good work." We walk past a Yeti painting a hundred blue robots; they're beautiful. But the big man doesn't approve. "I dont like it! Paint them red!" He instructs.

I give the Yeti a sympathetic look and murmur, "I loved how you did the blue," as we walk past. He lifts the blue paintbrush and with two dashes, gives me a little blue heart on my hand. I grin gratefully before running to catch up with the other two.

When we finally make it to North's 'office', the doors open and I feel as though I'm transported to a wonderland.

Ice sculptures scatter across the room, varying in size from small and handheld to massive creations.

"Holy shit," I hear Jack observe.

"They're beautiful, North," I note before remembering my place. "Sorry, Santa, I mean."

He just gives me that belly laugh of his before taking my graffitied hand in both of his. "North is perfect," he informs before dropping the grasp and adding with a wink, "I love the tattoo."

I smile and Jack immediately look down at my hand. "I hope that wasn't Phil," he states coldly. He really does have a problem with that Yeti.

North starts cracking his knuckles and the room becomes eery. "Now we get down to tasks of brass." What the hell does that mean? The doors behind us slam closed and the wind sharply whistles.

Jack and I both gasp at the sudden change of demeanour. He stumbles a step back but I stand in place, more confused than scared.

"Who are you, (Y/n) Rain?" North spits, cornering me against the wall.

"Woah woah woah," Jack argues but the red man just directs his question back onto him.

"Who are you, Jack Frost?" He inquires, now having both of us pinned. "What is your center?" He pokes each of our chests in turn.

"Our center?" Jack queries, equally as lost.

"If Man in Moon chose you to be a Guardian," North clarifies, "you two must have something very special inside." He backs off and scratches his beard for a moment, thinking of how to explain this.

I look down to only realise now that Jack has a defensive arm just slightly in-front of my body. Like Santa Claus would ever hurt us. I need to hide my blush nonetheless.

"Here," North concludes, grabbing a large Russian doll of himself off a shelf. "This is how you see me, no?" The toy is angry, with two twin blades held in-front of it. "Very big, intimidating," he continues. I chuckle slightly, bewildered where this could possible go. "But if you get to know me a little...." he thrusts the toy into Jacks hand and my friend passes me his stick to hold. "Well, go on," North insists.

Jack removes the outer shell to reveal a much happier Claus. "You are downright jolly?" He turns to me, proud of the humoured comment. I give him a slight nod, leaning my weight on the staff.

"Aha!" North exclaims, "but not just jolly." Jack removes the next layer. "I am also mysterious," he continues taking off layers, "and fearless... and caring..." the room goes still. "And at my center," North waits as Jack tips out the smallest figure.

"There's a tiny wooden baby," Jack says, unimpressed.

"Look closer," North implores.

I stare at the detailed artwork, it's incredible. That's when I realise what he means.

"You have big eyes," I mumble, my gaze fixed solely on the toy, piecing the parts of this puzzle together.

"Yes! Very big eyes!"

I look up at him, "because they are full of wonder," I conclude. "That is your center."

North looks gleefully at me before walking to his creations. "It is what I was born with. Eyes that have always seen the wonder in everything! Eyes that see lights in the trees and magic in the air."

I understand what he means now. Why he wants to know our center.

Who are we.

What is our purpose.

"This wonder is what I put onto the world," North explains. "And what I protect in children. It is what makes me a Guardian." He looks sincerely at the two of us. "It is my center... what is yours?"

I think on it.


I have none.

How can I be a Guardian without a center?

If North's is wonder, I imagine what the other could be. Sandman is surely dreams. But Tooth and Bunny, I'm not sure.

I look up to see Jack already gazing at me. "I dont know," he concludes, lowering his head downheartedly.

North folds the small wooden figure into Jack's hand whilst looking longingly at me.

I shake my head in silent answer.

I don't know either...

A chittering shadow speeds past outside followed by thundering hops in the corridor.

"We have a problem, Mate," Bunny says, coming into view. "Trouble at the tooth palace."

I turn to see Jack as he pockets the baby Santa and can read the expression plastered across his face.

This can't be good.


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