2 - The letter

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My dear Lily,

What we shared was so special, and no one else knew how deep our bond grew in such a little time. It felt like love at first sight. I too, at times, still wonder if it was a dream or an amazing reality we had the chance to experience, one of those that happen to only a few lucky ones. And I've been so lucky to have it with you.

It started so slow but it took fire soon. Behind closed doors, sinking in the shadow, hidden from everyone and everything, we were able to sink and drown in our love for each other. It didn't last much, but we have always known that it wouldn't, didn't we? We have always known that it had to end, and that's probably the reason why I am not as hurt as I thought I would have been.
Don't misinterpret my words: I miss you and I still love you and I always will, but I was prepared to say goodbye to all we had since the first day. And I am sure it's the same for you.

You just appeared to me like a marvellous sight and you offered yourself to me, and I knew the risks we both were running, but I decided to grab the opportunity anyway. I would have never been able to survive the regret if I didn't. It was a once in a lifetime occasion, and I happily threw myself into it, into your arms. I am so glad I did, so glad that I was right, for once. 
You know about my life, how it seemed to be doomed with unhappiness and struggles, but you changed everything. You changed me as well, my Angel.

Thanks to you, from now on I will be able to look back at my life, at our days and nights spent together, with a huge grin on my face. I am not sure you will do the same, and I won't ask you to. I know your life is totally different, it always was, but somehow a part of me hopes that you will.
I promise I will keep locked inside my heart every single moment we shared, each and every smile you donated me, each and every breath you breathed on my skin, and I will never let them go. No one will ever know about this, no one will ever be able to see that little part of my heart: I'll keep it hidden, just for you, the owner of the only existing key.

I don't know why I am writing this letter: I know it's dangerous, especially for you, if someone finds it and opens it. I don't even know if you will be able to actually receive it. But, if you'll happen to, please, don't keep it: crumple it, throw it in the fire and let it burn until it turns into ashes. I hope Mr H is taking good care of you, and loving you the way you deserve to be loved. I am praying for this every day. You have the right to forget about me, about us, but I want you to know that I'll never be able to. I will never be able to love someone else as much as I have loved you. I hope you will come to meet me again in my dreams. I'll be the luckiest man alive, if that would happen.

Take care of yourself, Miss Elizabeth.



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