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Welcome back, dear readers!

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Welcome back, dear readers!

Those of you who have followed me on Wattpad since the beginning, might remember the first series I ever wrote and published here.

Dark Sanctuary was my first urban fantasy trilogy, AND my first Wattpad story - the tale of a young woman who has lived her life with a power that often seems more like a curse and the only vampire she has met who somehow didn't want to kill her. Right off the back of the Twilight years, I wanted to create a story that felt like it could be real - throwing fantasy into real life, and coming up with something darker and grittier and definitely no sparkly vibes (no shade to Meyer here).

Despite the good feedback it received, it also came with a HUGE dose of (often deserved) negativity and at some point, I had to acknowledge that DS just wasn't good enough and wasn't a true reflection of how far I'd come as a writer

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Despite the good feedback it received, it also came with a HUGE dose of (often deserved) negativity and at some point, I had to acknowledge that DS just wasn't good enough and wasn't a true reflection of how far I'd come as a writer. After a lot of deliberation, I decided it would be better to unpublish it - a decision that upset a lot of fans who loved it. In fact, it's still the one story I get asked about the most when long-term readers return to re-read it, only to find it's no longer available.

I've been banging on for years now about how I'm going to rewrite it and I always meant that, but finding the time was tricky (especially when you're juggling a job, a child, a home, a husband and the general day to day trials that is life's obstacle course). But, now the time has finally come!

 But, now the time has finally come!

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It's a HUGE project. I mean, if you're going to rewrite a trilogy, you've got to be some kind of masochist, right? But it's a story I've always believed in, and so, I think the pain might be worth it (of course, feel free to ask me again in 6 months when it's driving me nuts!).

For all you Dark Sanctuary fans - be warned! This will NOT be the story you once read and loved. I'll be changing pretty much most of it, with threads taken from the original draft and somehow weaving them into the new plot. The Sarah and Michael you knew, will be quite different - although some of you will probably agree that's a good thing - but I hope you love them just as much, if not more!

Vampires have had a hard slog of it in recent years on Wattpad. They don't even have a genre category of their own (because apparently those hairy werewolves are sexier? What? Furballs anyone?) so I have zero expectations on how this will go. BUT, I hope you'll join me in the retelling of this story, and maybe - just maybe - rediscover your love for our blood-sucking heroes and villains!

Fangs at the ready, my friends!

With love and gratitude, as always,

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With love and gratitude, as always,

Lindsey x

P.S. Oh! And don't forget to find and follow me on the links below!

 Oh! And don't forget to find and follow me on the links below!

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And now for the boring, but essential copyright notice:

Copyright @   2022 Lindsey M Clarke.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including copies, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without express permission of the author.


This is a wholly original work and currently only available on Wattpad for free. If you see this story posted on any other site, either incomplete or as a fully published work, please note that the site and/or author/user has stolen this work and is in breach of copyright. Please alert me immediately via DM if you have discovered this story anywhere else so that I can take the necessary legal action. Please also be aware that some sites contain malware and viruses - please only use reputable sites for your online reading.

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