Chapter 4: The Passenger

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This didn't make sense

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This didn't make sense. It was madness, and he had to be truly insane if he thought I would believe him. I'd never met a vampire yet who didn't want me dead. He could have killed me last night. So, why hadn't he?

'Why would you do that?' I said, pressing my back to the wall next to the window and doing everything I could to keep myself upright. 'You said it yourself, Sensors don't save vampires and vampires certainly don't save Sensors.'

'You really want to debate this now?' he said, trying to yank his wrists free from the binds. 'Look, the way I see it is this: either you don't cut me free and you let whoever these people are get you, or you take your chances with me. I'm your best bet here and you know it.'

I hated that he looked so genuine. Hated that everything about him from the tone in his voice to the look in his eyes was telling me I should believe him, because I didn't want to. The Sensor blood in my veins didn't want to. Trusting in a vampire went against everything I'd ever known. It went against everything I was.

Yet, there were so many of them. So... many. I gripped the hilt of the blade and took one stumbling step forward on legs that felt like they consisted of jelly instead of bone and muscle. My skin was electric now. A constant buzzing that made my head dizzy.

A floorboard creaked.

They were already inside the house.

The turn of my head seemed to take forever. A slow-motion action that felt like I was under water.

Standing in the doorway, was a tall figure, dressed head to toe in black clothing, that clung to a lithe, athletic body. A ski mask covered her whole face except for her eyes and mouth and in each of her gloved hands, she held a cruel-looking curved dagger.

'Sarah, cut me free now!'

The intruder glanced at the vampire on the bed, cocking her head to one side, before turning her attention back to me. Fuck.Approaching, like a cat stealthily stalking its prey, she smiled, tonguing the tip of one elongated incisor and spun the hilt of the daggers in her hands like a total pro. Double fuck.

I'd often wondered whether the purpose of my curse, was to know just when the opportune time was to run really fast in the opposite direction. After all, when your whole body was raging against the presence of not one, but multiple vampires, how were you meant to find the power to defend yourself?

'Well, well,' the intruder said, her voice a purr that did nothing to stop the buzzing coursing over my skin. 'You look good enough to eat.'

I gritted my teeth and inhaled, raising the blade. 'And you look good enough to die.'

Her arm swept round in an arc, and I felt the dagger cut through the space above my head as I dodged its path. I kicked out at her legs with a sweeping motion, but she was already on the move, flipping her body over, swiping at me with the other dagger as she flew through the air. Every movement was like a work of art, her body twisting and somersaulting, avoiding every one of my strikes with the knife.

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