Chapter 27: Ghosts in Cars

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When the electric shutters descended to protect Marcus' home from the oncoming dawn, I felt a strange comfort in shutting out the daylight

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When the electric shutters descended to protect Marcus' home from the oncoming dawn, I felt a strange comfort in shutting out the daylight. For me, daylight had always been my sanctuary, those blessed hours when I knew I could move around freely, without fear of what I might encounter in the dark. Daylight meant strictly no vampires and yet, here I now was, happy to be wrapped in the arms of one and glad that I would get to spend the rest of the day inside this new prison cell of my own making, together with Michael.

After the first time in the bath, the sex that had followed didn't relent in its intensity, and in the end, it was only my exhausted body that begged me to stop. I think even Michael was grateful for the reprieve, although I'm sure he could have lasted a little longer if I'd insisted.

Each time, however, I'd felt that same yearning I'd experienced in the bath. That same hunger for him to bite me. Each time I'd bared my throat, almost pushing myself against his mouth, secretly wishing he would pierce my skin with his incisors and each time, I could the sense that he knew, but I couldn't work out whether he was horrified by it, or knew it was a line he just couldn't cross.

I didn't even know what would happen if he did. Would he try to bring me into the blood? Could he? Or would it be that point where my curse resisted my desires and took control, forcing me to stop denying my natural instincts and attack the vampire in my arms?

Whatever the outcome, all I knew now, as I lay beside him, watching the natural rise and fall of his chest as he slept, was that it had left me confused and ashamed. I shouldn't have wanted him to do it. It should never have even entered my thoughts. But it had, and the disquiet had crept into my veins once more, mingling with the ever-present buzz of my curse, until eventually I had to untangle myself from Michael's sleeping form and go take a shower.

Once showered and dressed, wearing clothes that Marcus had already prepared for me before he'd brought here, I headed to the kitchen, keen to check out the packed fridge.

Considering he was no longer human; Marcus had done well to stock the refrigerator with every taste sensation imaginable that could bring a hungry girl to her knees. My eyes lit up as I scanned the shelves and my stomach growled with want. In the end, I grabbed fruit and yoghurt, zapped some pastries in the microwave and slathered them in extra butter and syrup, and finished with eggs, bacon, and toast, all washed down with fresh orange juice. At the dining table, surrounded by the remnants of my feast, I rubbed my groaning stomach and consoled myself with the fact it had been a long time since I'd eaten anything.

When the ring tone interrupted my thoughts, I jolted, staring wildly around the room, searching for the source of the sound, before I remembered Marcus leaving the mobile phone on the coffee table by the couch, eyeing Michael with an intense disapproval before he left us alone.

Rushing to the table, I picked it up and hit call accept.

'It is done.' Marcus' voice was clear and crisp through the speaker. 'Tell Mr. Quinn I will have a car waiting at sunset to take him to his friends.'

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