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3rd POV

The next day had finally come and (Y/n) is casually walking down the streets of Okinawa with her skateboard being held under her arm. She is heading to the skatepark because school just ended for most of the kids and teens, which meant that her two friends will most likely be there.

The nine-year-old is wearing her usual (1/f/c) shirt and black leggings, along with the boots that she always wears. That day, she left her skirt on because she felt lazy. Plus, there's no harm in wearing her skirt out in public, right?

Up ahead, there was a bus stop, where a certain black-haired boy in a sailor-looking uniform is looking down at his phone as he reads about the famous Phoenix everyone in "S" is talking about. He hums to himself as he reads out loud what someone posted about the mysterious skater.

"'She's a very young skater, wears a (2/f/c) sweater and an orange and yellow bird tail that connects to her (1/f/c) skirt.' How interesting," Miya Chinen, a well-known racer in "S" and a candidate for Japan's national skateboarding team, says to himself. A smirk forms on his face as he continues to read more about this skater.

Oblivious to him, the same skateboarder he is reading about is starting to get closer to the bus stop the boy is standing by. She seems to be in her own little world, not paying attention to the things around her. She only snapped out of her thoughts when she heard someone yell something.

"Aw, crap!!!"

Looking up, she sees a baseball flying toward her at full speed. Out of reflex, she shields herself with her skateboard as she closes her eyes shut, ready for the impact of the ball. But to her surprise, nothing hit her.

Confused, she opens her eyes and uncovers her face, only to see a pair of green cat-like eyes looking down at her. Miya had seen the ball going toward the girl and acted fast. He had stood his board up vertically with the nose of the board up, then stepped on the front wheels as he lifts himself up and off of the ground to reach the baseball.

Once the ball was in his grasp, he lands back down on the ground and throws the ball back to the three teenagers who were playing with it. The boy never took his eyes off of the nine-year-old and her board. He observed her for a few seconds now and (Y/n) was starting to get uncomfortable, so she just speedwalks past the black-haired boy.

This leaves Miya to think to himself. 'Huh, she skates. Especially for someone her age. I wonder if--' Miya cuts his own thoughts off after seeing something that caught his attention, causing his eyes to go wide. There was something orange and yellow that was hanging off the back of the girl's skirt. It was a fake bird tail, like how that Phoenix skater was described in the post he read on his phone.

'I-is that Phoneix? The one skater who beat Shadow in a 'beef'?' he asks himself in his head. Looking back at the girl, he notices that she turns a corner on the sidewalk. Quickly taking a look at the time on his phone, he lets out a sigh and then grabs his skateboard.

"I've got time." And with that, he skates after the (h/c)-haired girl.

Meanwhile, with (Y/n), she's still speedwalking as fast as she can. Something about those eyes made her feel nervous and vulnerable. She was feeling the same way she felt before she raced against Shadow.

Noticing that there was a trail that was surrounded by trees, she decided to go in that direction. It should be a shortcut to the skatepark. But after a few seconds of walking down the trail, she could hear the sound of wheels rolling against concrete coming from behind her.

"What's that?" She asks herself.

Turning around, (Y/n) sees the same sailor boy skating on his skateboard. But what made her freak out the most was that he was skating straight toward her. Not knowing what to do, she jumps on her skateboard and starts to skate down the trail.

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