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A/n: Hey, fellow readers. I just wanted to say one thing before the chapter. I wanted to apologize for not posting in a while. The past weeks were really busy with me, for both school and just life. I had a lot of assignments to complete before their due date along with finishing up projects that are not entirely done yet. But I just want to let you all know that I am not going to leave this story unfinished. I really want to complete this book with an ending I'm hoping you all are going to enjoy. The good news about all of this is that school is almost over and I get to graduate in the upcoming month, so I'll have more time to work on my story!!

I'm not going to have this author's note be that long, so that'll be all for now. Enjoy this chapter, even if I tried to complete it all in one day. I hope it doesn't sound too rushed... :)

3rd POV

The time is midnight and little (Y/n) is already on her way to "S" for the tournament that's going to take place in a few minutes. As she was skating on the sidewalk, she had her focus on the ground. A depressed-looking expression was plastered on her face, which made it show that she hasn't gotten over everything that Reki told her earlier.

No matter how hard she tries to think of something else, just the thought of not belonging in a place like Okinawa lingers in her head.

'Will I ever be able to keep up with my friends here? Is it really worth my time to try and fit in like everybody else?'

Those thoughts would never leave her head. She lets out a sigh as she starts to get closer to her destination. Upon arriving at the gates, she walked in and kept her hood over her head. She doesn't want anyone to know how she's feeling because it's none of their business to know what's going on with her in her life.

But because she was looking down, she didn't notice a light-blue-haired boy approaching her.

"Hey, (Y/n)," Langa's voice was heard, which causes the (h/c)-haired girl to look up at him. Langa was smiling down at her, but in a concerned way, knowing very much of the incident that happened when they spoke with their redhead friend. "Is everything alright?"

(Y/n) does nothing much but nod her head as she looks down again with those sad eyes of hers. Langa could tell that whatever Reki said still bothered her, which is understandable. You can't expect anyone to get over hurtful words that quickly. He nods his head to show that he does understand and places his hand on her shoulder, ushering her to follow him to their friends.

Once they make it to the group, Miya is the first one to notice the two's presence. He looks over at them with a confused look on his face as he speaks. "Langa. (Y/n). I thought Reki would be with you, but I guess he decided to not enter the race after all," the cat skater says as he looks up at the board of listed names for those who are competing in the tournament.

Langa looks down as he thinks about his other friend with his hand still resting on (Y/n)'s shoulder. "That's right. He's not." Langa's tone of voice made it sound so downhearted and saddened, which catches Miya's ears as he looks back at him with the same confused look he had on earlier.

"What happened?" he asked the snowboarder. Langa couldn't find the words to explain everything that happened between him, (Y/n), and Reki. Speaking of, the said child keeps her eyes on the floor, not bothering to ask what the two were conversing about. It's like it doesn't even matter anymore.

Miya seems to have noticed this about (Y/n) and gets even more concerned as he looks at her empty eyes. He places his hand on her other shoulder in a friendly way as he asks her, "Are you okay?"

(Y/n) knew what he said in Japanese and decided to just nod her head without saying a word, hoping that the teen wouldn't ask any more questions about Reki. But even though she was expressing that she was okay, Miya could obviously see that she was not. The spark he once saw in the child is no longer there. All he sees is a blown-out flame that is surrounded by nothing but emptiness.

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