Chapter 28: Weird Science

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"Okay, Five, we've arrived," Sam says in a whoosh of air. His voice is flat, and I can't tell if it's because he's focused on what's happening or if he's still upset with me. Considering how he hasn't spoken more than a few words to me in nearly two days, I guess the latter.

"Dearg Island," Nicole hums, peeking her head out from the tarpaulin and eyeing the surrounding area with a critical eye. This is her first time seeing it up close. "Home of the mysterious Far Hebridean science base."

I ignore the sideways glance she sends me, lips quirking as if she knows something. Rather, she knows she will know something. I simply comment about how little room there is in this motorized boat we stowed upon to get here before scrambling off it. Pebbles shift under my feet, my heels just inches away from the waves that lap upon the shore. I keep low, crouching to delay some of the island's defenses.

"Yeah, it was cramped. Sam elbowed me in the ribs about four times," Nicole says as she hops off the boat and gets into the same position I'm in.

"That may or may not have been on purpose," Sam mutters, and Nicole flashes her teeth at him in what could be mistaken as a smile if I didn't know Nicole's mannerisms.

"Come again?"

He shrugs. "Nothing. You probably should have stayed on Mor if you thought just the boat ride was bad. Could have spent some more time with your boyfriend."

I think this is the first time I've ever seen Sam say something to embarrass Nicole, given the way her cheeks tint at the mention of Rory. She quickly plays it off with a shake of her head. "No, I don't think so. I could, of course, have taken the route Shona and Janine took by scuba diving all the way here, but I think getting to bother you was better, especially since you know the real reason I'm here and can't do anything about it."

His shoulders tense. "You know, it's you saying things like that make me feel less sympathetic about your head wound, or your hand."

I sputter in shock. "Sam!"

Nicole takes his insults in stride, although I can't help but notice how her lips twitch as she fights back a frown at the mention of her hand. "And yet, with all my injuries and disabilities, I'm still useful." She cocks her head to the side. "You're an operator on a runner's mission. What are you useful for out here, Sam?"

"Nicole!" I shout, my voice holding the same amount of venom as when I shouted Sam's name. "Don't say things like that. Sam is useful."

Her Cheshire-cat grin doesn't falter as she turns her gaze to me. "Oh? Then tell me, why did you tell Tom about your belief of your double being here instead of your beloved husband, hm?"

I flinch, and I notice Sam's face darken at the reminder. As Nicole smugly looks between Sam and me, I'm reminded that even though she is my sister, who I care for very much, she is one of the biggest pains I have and probably ever will meet in my life.

The sound of water splashing gets my attention, and I look over my shoulder to see two figures emerging from the waves. Not even entirely on the beach and Janine is already shedding her scuba gear to reveal her tactical gear underneath. Shona notices her movements and does the same. However, her fingers aren't as nimble as the taller woman's, and she takes a few moments longer to get everything off.

"Keep low, Miss Reid," Janine instructs, gesturing towards the way Sam, Nicole, and I are crouched down. "A minimal profile will delay the local defense's detection against us."

"Janine, how are you doing?" Sam asks as we move inland, causing her blue eyes to fall on him. "Was the uh, swim okay?"

She nods curtly, pulling her black hair back and tying it into a ponytail as she walks. It's one of the few times I've seen her wear her hair in anything other than a bun. "Mr. Yao, this is a good day. I intend to use all my good days. Dr. Cohen authorized this trip. We must enter the base. Two times before the apocalypse, scientists from Dearg collected fungal seed pods from Mor Island. We need to understand why."

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