Chapter 34: True Friend

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"Thanks for being willing to talk to me when it's so late," I say, my voice scratchy.

"That's the fourth time you've said," Peter says through my headset, and I feel myself smiling softly.


"Don't be," He replies. "And don't thank me either. We both know my sleeping schedule. It's not... the healthiest." He goes silent for a long time. "I am surprised that you're still up, though, after all this? Are you okay?"

I nod even though he can't see it, bringing one hand up to rub at my burning eyes. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Just... we've discovered more seed pod things, and it's... Amelia's already sending out broadcasts to announce her willingness to negotiate. Anyone who's up at this hour will have heard it, and anyone who isn't will hear it first thing in the morning."

Peter hums. "She's always been horribly persistent. Surprised she isn't coming through this frequency."

I blink. I hadn't even thought about that. "Maybe it's because we're just piggybacking on Mor's main frequency. We're.... here, but not I guess? I'm glad either way. I really don't want to hear her voice again tonight."

"Yeah, you told me what she said about you. What did she call you again? Build-a-Barbie?" He snickers a bit at that, but I don't find it funny. Peter's laugh stops immediately when I just give a soft "Yeah" in response.

Silence follows, and I mentally kick myself for bringing the conversation to a halt. The silence threatens to eat me alive. Yet, when I try to talk, the words get clogged in my throat, nearly choking me.

"Are you okay?" Peter asks again. "After learning about... how you're a clone of Feive's daughter?"

I sigh. He's already asked me this. About three days ago I talked to him, explained what happened on Dearg, about everything we'd found, about Janine. I didn't tell him about Nicole learning about my deterioration since I haven't even told Peter about that part either. It's something that will come to light soon enough, with Catherine being free and wanting us to work together to save ourselves. But right now we have to worry about Tom and Janine.

Peter was as expected when I told him what happened on Dearg—voice shaking with thinly veiled terror as he asked about Janine. I hated giving the details, mostly because I know Janine sent reports using Mor's main coms and had been able to talk to Peter on main coms like Sam has with Maxine. I hated that I was the one to tell him when Janine should have. They spoke before I did, but whatever Janine told him was the softer version with huge chunks taken out, such as her declining health and what we found out about me.

I supposed I shouldn't judge her for keeping secrets when I do the same thing, but considering her bluntness about her dying, I'm stunned she would omit so much when talking to those at Abel.

When I told Peter about what happened, he was terribly worried about Janine. I thought he wouldn't even think to ask about anything else, but he did ask about me. He wanted to know if I was okay after learning more about Project Feive.

To his surprise and my embarrassment, I'd started crying, too many bottled-up emotions spilling over.

I didn't think he'd bring it up again after that. I guess I was wrong.

"I'm... dealing with it," I answer finally, and he doesn't seem satisfied with that.

"My question was if you were okay. That's a yes or no question, Callista."

I sigh in exasperation. "Peter-"

"Yes or no."

"No," I snap, gritting my teeth and rubbing my eyes again. That word came out much harsher than I intended it to. "No, I'm not okay, but we have other things to worry about right now. Like finding the Edda. The faster we do that, the faster we can stop the red fungus. And hopefully, Frances and her friends can fix the control box for Tom and Janine. That's what we need to worry about. Not me."

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