II : "Encrypted file?"

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Sabrina rushes to the cafeteria, she searches for an empty corner so she can dig into Professor's pen drive,

after looking around to corners her eyes stop at one corner table where she sees Khaled smiling at her,

she tries to ignore Khaled,

they both never got along and ended up having ugly arguments over silly reasons,

maybe she ignored him for that but also she knew that Khaled would mess up everything if he found out about the pen drive,

she tries to avoid Khaled's company so she can focus on her work,

as she was too focused on not letting anyone find out about her scheme,

she gets a message from an unknown number saying

- *I know you have Professor Hamad's pen drive and I won't mess things up if you come here and share your genius plan that's running inside your head - yours truly, Khaled*

It was as if he could read her mind anytime, was it for good or worse she couldn't tell but she knew,

that he was someone she needed to avoid at any cost, Sabrina was a rash person, a typical head yet her instincts were accurate, but here again led by clouded thoughts her situation got better of her choices

Sabrina just takes a deep breath trying not to burst out on Khaled,

she goes near the last corner table where Khaled is taking bites of apple and drinking soda,

Sabrina sits opposite to him and says in a very low voice possibly with an obvious hint of her displeasure, but her hostility still visible from her frowned brows and flushed nose

"Bloody Hell Khaled!!  When will you ever stop being such a creep, Will this ever end?????"

Sabrina just looks around to check if anyone noticed this 'small talk'

Khaled stops everything and says

"Hey hey hey, relax Brina. I don't want to create any scene, at least not now, I just saw you picking up that pen drive so I thought of helping you with whatever you are into"

Sabrina just looks at Khaled with her eyes wide open

"Wow! And why would Mr. Khaled do this honor? What are you even thinking? I can't trust you with this"

Sabrina leans forward placing knuckles on her chin, her nose still flushed red with anger she stares at Khaled without binding her hostility,

giving a nice awkward smile and tilting his head slowly to the left Khaled says,

"Ahhh.. I just want to distract myself for a while,   c a u s e ... ....me...........uhm .. Inayah had an ugly fight and now she ended everything "

Sabrina pauses for a second and looks at him dumbfounded,


she then starts laughing hysterically which draws attention from everyone in the cafeteria,

on the other hand, Khaled just shakes his head and is ready to leave the table he gets up but Sabrina pulls his hands and asks him to sit down while laughing uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry but I couldn't handle myself, but I'm sorry, if you are still interested I can sign you up for my plan, what do you say??" Sabrina still letting all her laughs out

Khaled trying to hide his embarrassment he rubs the back of his neck,
"ugh, fine whatever let's move tables your laugh just now got us everyone staring" he answers, his eyes sweeping through the area around him

Sabrina moves closer and says "I am going to investigate more about this story and I'll solve this case of A'anaa's Diary, so first.." her tone changed as if she was a different person just a few seconds ago,

Sabrina wasn't finished Khaled interrupted her by saying

"Wait! Hold on! Diary that Professor told us about? Are you Crazy Brina???" with both his hands up on the table with thud

It was a reaction she expected,

But none the less she was surprised to see it play as she expected...

She felt somewhat relieved seeing this side of Khaled

Khaled looked shaken up by hearing this, Sabrina to avoid a scene in the cafeteria tries to calm down Khaled and says

"Hey dumbass, you were the one asking me about this so if you are interested you can join or else you can sit here and brood over your sweet Inayah, but either way you gonna keep that mouth shut", pressing her index finger on the table she looks at Khaled with her pupils shrinking and brows closing in.

Khaled pauses there and then says

"But how? This all looks like a mess to me", with his palm up and pointing at her

"I was about to get to that part when you decided to interrupt"

This time Khaled stays calm and listens to Sabrina's plan about how they are going to solve this case,

but first they are going to need to learn about this diary as much as possible,

Sabrina and Khaled pair up as an unexpected team to get this to end,

they both decide to go through Professor's research information he collected on A'anaa's so-called cursed diary,

then looked at a few details but, all they found was that the diary was kept in a locked box in the archive and some study materials,

Sabrina sees an encrypted file named 'Case file: niña desaparecido' Sabrina sees some other folders but none of any use this encrypted file piques her interest,

she thinks to herself

"What exactly is in this encrypted file? And what's  niña desaparecida?"

As she was trying to put pieces of this puzzle,

the lunch break ends and everyone is rushing back to classes hurrying Sabrina tries to copy all the contents of the pen drive into her laptop as it is in the process,

Khaled notices Professor Hamad barging into the cafeteria and walking towards them with a furious look that every student in Westgate University tries to avoid.

Sabrina and Khaled are close to opening the box of Pandora which they won't be able to control.

On the other hand, Sabrina found an encrypted file and the professor's research which will make her part of the 'Case File:  niña desaparecido'

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