III: "An Unfulfilled Promise?"

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Khaled knowing professor Hamad well, thinks of helping Sabrina by stalling him

"oh crap, professor is here, his timing can't be any worse.... Anyways, I'll distract him you get this done"

Khaled walks to professor but professor asks him to move aside,

"Not now Khaled, you don't realize how much trouble you are in..."

Professor Hamad walks near Sabrina and pulls out his pen drive and says

"I didn't expect this from you Miss Sabrina Ruksaan, I'm really disappointed by your actions toady"

Khaled tries to explain him but Professor doesn't even try to listen to  Khaled

"NO EXCUSES KHALED, both of you are going to meet me in Principal's Cabin after class, IS THAT CLEAR?"

Sabrina and Khaled nod their head and leave the place, as they reach corridor Khaled whispers

"did you copy all of it?"

Sabrina turn to him and chuckles

"Yess, I got it all"

they both chuckle and get back to their classes.

Inayah sees all this,

but she wasn't sure what was going on, she felt unsettled seeing all this,

she noticed Sabrina and Khaled got along somehow unexpectedly and now this was bothering her,

Zeenath as a concerned friend tries to distract Inayah by asking her to participate in art gallery exhibition as for Inayah was amazingly skilled in art,

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Zeenath as a concerned friend tries to distract Inayah by asking her to participate in art gallery exhibition as for Inayah was amazingly skilled in art,

"You know Inayah, there's an art exhibition coming soon, seems like this year many candidates have filled in, it will be amazing if you joined in.... Seniors have been asking same thing"

Inayah nods her head and walks to gallery with Zeenath, Inayah heas toward the Exhibition in charge and she bumps into Asad the assistant guide for Exhibition

"oh I'm sorry.. I uhm.. i..."

Inayah starts getting anxious and nervous when she realizes she was spaced out and had caused problem for others...

"No no, it's okay, Even I was........"

Asad pauses there and looks at Inayah
She looked frail and pure and for sure was in her awe.

Inayah raises her head and looks at Asad in same manner,

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Inayah raises her head and looks at Asad in same manner,

Zeenath break that awkwardly nice moment and speaks up

"oh! It's you, Asad we are looking for exhibition incharge Inayah wants to take part in exhibition, can you help us with it?"

Asad smiles at Inayah and says

"Why not,  I'm the assistant guide to exhibition anyways, it's also part of my work here, sure I'll help"

Inayah looks down and starts to blush slowly and pulls her hair back by her ear, Zeenath notices this and says

"Inayah? Shall we proceed with forms?"

Inayah get's herself back from hee dreams and fills up the forms for Exhibition and as she was leaving Zeenanth just can't hold her excitement inside herself anymore and finally asks

"Excuse me, but don't you have to explain   what is going on? Why were you acting so strange infront of him?"

Inayah just looks at Zeenath and Chuckles

"It's nothing..... anyways ,come on we will discuss that later, now we have to get back to class or else Professor Laila will definitely drag us to Principals office"

they both rush back to their classes.

.............Meanwhile in Principal's cabin.............

"So they stole the pen drive which had the case files of missing girls and That! File too? You do realize how badly this could end for those students, Hamad?"

"Yes, I do realize that's exactly why I want ask know if they have learned of about that, I just hope for best, but if it isn't how we hoped for..... we might have to take some measures, sir..."

"Hamad, I don't want to repeat tragedies here..... that case was too much for us........ we have already lost many...... you know that better than anyone of us....."

Principal then takes a sigh and stays still for a moment, and then adds

"Hamad, I truly hope you stay within the line, for whatever you are planning"

Professor Hamad, replies while he smiles softly,

"I'm not sure what you mean, Principal. What plan are you talking about?"

"Don't take me for a fool Hamad, I'm not sitting on this position for nothing"

Professor could sense a faint blootlust spilling out from Principal,

Professor then says,

"Not at all, I clearly know my limitations Principal, I won't go overboard"

Principal Omar had his reasons to react that way,

cause he had seen that smile before too,

at first glance it looks soft and warm

but the words that come out from mouth later on with an expression like that,

sounds nothing but whispers of devil, soulless eyes with shallow smile.

Almost as a flesh puppet......

Professor Hamad heads towards door to and call Khaled and Sabrina to cabin....

"Wait Hamad...... isn't Sabrina..... daughter of Aina Ruksan?"

"Yes, she is daughter of........... our former field expert Aina Ruksan"

Principal Omar leans back in his chair and sighs,

on his face was visible that he was deeply troubled by this news,

but also he was pained by remembering past tragedy that befell upon his subordinates.

Upon that the schemes Hamad might have laid out, it was troubling matter to him.

An unexpected turn of tides, a past of pain, a troubled and confused heart,

biggest of all An unturned stone which hides all..... The Diary.

unaware of all this the chess pieces started moving towards single point where everything changes and none could remain the same after.....

Principal Omar sit back in his chair and recalls the promise he made to Sabrina's mother who was his direct subordinate,

but this promise was about to be effected by actions Sabrina is going to take.....

Principal Omar just thinks this to himself,

if his promise would remain unfulfilled,

what would he do and how he can keep his promise,

Principal Omar drown his thoughts as he reminisces his past and says

"I just hope, I  can fulfill my promise to you...... Aina........"

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