IV: "Investigation Team of 2018?"

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*March 3rd 2018 Occult Archive's Investigation Department, Department chief Office*

"Sir, may I enter?"

"Yes, you can come in Aina"
"I've got new case filled in yesterday "

"Aha, I'm listening"

"It's regarding the Missing Cases from September 7th to November 22nd of 2017"

"Ah that case, it was chaos that time, but wasn't that case hidden from public after incident in governor's office?"

"Yes, that case involved even governor's daughter too, if word got out people would have lost faith in ruling government so it was silenced"

Aina notices multiple files from Occult Archive's Research academy along with case files,

"And? You think we know the cause now?"

"Not precisely, but the cause was an image  of some book surfing around internet, The image was taken after a girl from Research Academy found out the Cause"

"And that's what this file is about? The girl?"

Aina opens the file, in front page it was sealed 'restrained' Subject: i-ZiS

"Hmmm. So Research department is imprisoning little girls who offer to help? Just how sick those bastards will get"

"I know how much you hate that department, but without their help we wouldn't have any leads"

"So what's the move now? Why dig up the case now?"

"Research department has leads regarding this case and they want to close it or atleast have this book"

"So basically, our job is either bring the book to those sickos or die keeping it with us, another reason why I don't like them"

"I won't say to close it, but it would be better if we possessed that book instead of them, so will you take it?"

"Well I don't want them to have it.......... But I also don't want to die in this........ I have daughter now Omar...... she's like an Angel to me, till now I was ready for anything regardless the risk, but now........ now I've got this fear...... fear of not being with her........."

"That's how it is to be a parent..... we've known each other since our college days, that's why I want this to be your last job and I'll be transferring you to Lebanese Archive museum, there you can be a guide for museum, spend time with your family, spend time with your daughter.... That'll be my present to you"

"You sure are one smooth talker, well, I'll write down requirements for this job"

"Thanks a lot Aina, I really am thankful to you"

"Ah come on Old guy, you are practically my boss, don't be so formal, just get some good team, for this job I need team of 12 each in pair of expertise, get that ready for me, till then I'll just go through these files"

Few Days later

*Investigation report: May 12th 2018*

"The leads so far are tracing down to Palma de Mallorca, an island of Spain, We'll be leaving there in few days, the reports and cross examination are turning out to be too disturbing, I have a feeling we are dealing with something old, as in too old, anyways I'll keep you in loop"

*Investigation report: May 24th 2018"

"Chief the missing cases weren't the only ones related to this case, there many victims of unknown diseases or suicides all referring 'A girl with no eyes ' I'm not sure what to comprehend but reports are too different from one other but it all says 'A girl' I hope you can provide some insight on this"

*investigation report: June 3rd 2018*

"We found the book, it was in one of victim's belonging, but this victim's case was different, victim was a 17 year old girl, she isn't missing or dead but she had this strange condition, I suspect she is being haunted by this 'Girl with no eyes' victim's mother says she didn't know about the book or how it got here, victim is in not in condition to be questioned, we'll start analyzing the book soon"

*Investigation Report: June 5th 2018*

"Chief we started analyzing the book, but it seems more like a diary, the materials used in book are some what bizarre, for now we have speculated it dates back to 18th century, it also has some ritual strange drawings and circles, it is diary of the 'Girl with no eyes' her name is A'aan'a, we strongly suspect she has ties with witch or she herself is a witch either way we can't conclude this until we find out more, I've put two members in charge of studying the Diary for now, I'll update if there's further developments"

*Investigation report: June 7th 2018*

"Reporting 4 members of team missing and 2 deceased, cause unknown, this diary, is cursed.......How, why we can't investigate further, we'll depart as soon as possible from here........"

Aina and rest of team arrived 2 days later, family of team members condemned Aina responsible as Team leader, Occult Archive's research department spent everything in their effort to make sure investigation department won't claim the Diary and Aina requested break from work, Weeks later research department faces same results, they placed request for Aina to have insight on her experience.

*August 20th 2018 Omar's Residence*

Omar received a letter from Aina dated from June 8th 2018, Aina had explained the events that happened during her investigations, she mentioned about the nightmares and things she was seeing since she came back, she was afraid she will end up like the victim they met in Palma de Mallorca, at end of letter, she asks Omar to promise her, that what she couldn't make come true, Omar will.....
Omar tries to call Aina to ask what this letter was about, Aina's husband picks up......

Aug 20- 2017

In corner area of newspaper-

"Retired Historian and Lecturer of renowned College found dead- case undergoing Further investigation, Police drawing conclusions as suicide"

*Aina had committed suicide on August 20th 2018*

First person to find the body was Sabrina, Aina's case was closed after proven as suicide

Omar resigned from his post and was appointed as principal for WestGate University...

*Present day at Omar's Cabin*

"Chief? ..... chief!??? Are you alright?"

Omar nods his head and sees Hamad standing in front of him

"You alright chief? You look sick"

"How many times I've told you to stop calling me chief, besides I wasn't chief in your department"

"Haha I'm sorry, old habits are hard to die"

"I'll be fine just hand over my medicines"

"I'll go look for Khaled and Sabrina then...."

Omar leans back on his chair and thinks to himself ,

it has been 4 years since that day but it still haunts him,

it was his decision then on that he will protect Sabrina from the supernatural world,

also from the unforgettable Tragedy and the truth, that Sabrina would know someday.

About "the Investigation Team of 2018"

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