XIII: A Demon's Desire

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*pages through pages quickly*

,"ugh not this one either, fuck!"

Sabrina rubs off some dust gathered on the surface of the book gently with her pearl-like hand,

some of the specks of dust settled on curls of her hair like that was perfect place dust found to settle, she dusted it off her hair growling and clenching her teeth out of frustration

  "I don't know about the damn summoning spell but we sure cleaned a lot of dust here" she sighs her frustration out as she look at Khaled with her brows raised expecting some sort of lame humorous remark out of him as he usually does.

Khaled was sitting on the floor with dusty books spread around him, it wasn't an exciting enough task for him either with all that clouds of dust flying around him,

"coughing* yeah yeah tell me about it, geez do these people even clean here"

; Khaled stand up as he dusts off some specks sitting on his shoulder, brings out more books, and slams them on the table; that slam sends off more clouds of dust flying around near Sabrina,


Sabrina yells out bursting out all of her bottled frustration with the dust and also the fact they were flipping through those pages with dust resting on it just to torture them even more.

"*PPFT~*" Khaled pulls back his lips between his teeth holding back his laughter from watching more dust sitting on Sabrina's curled hair,

; Librarian -

" Hey there, be gentle with the books"

"AH YEAH SORRY," Says Khaled while still letting out a few laughs to get on Sabrina's nerves

Sabrina holds herself back and dusts her hair again, she sighs deeply and shakes her head,

"we been flipping through these books for hours now, I can't find a damn thing to summon a fly, a god or demon still too far fetched," Says Khaled after he blew off some steam laughing at Sabrina,

that made Sabrina think to herself "Ugh...no matter the situation, he's always like this, God that annoys me even more now"

"Whatever, your whining isn't making this any easier, so keep looking" Says Sabina as she reached out new piles of book Khaled dusted off on her face,

"As you wish my liege" replied Khaled while gesturing his palms towards her sarcastically mimicking a Butler serving his Royal Princess,

*rolls eye*

"I still can't believe this, how come there's nothing on summoning entities, I thought we had all books related to the occult activities"

"Maybe that's precisely why," Says Khaled as he closes off a book clapping his hand, sending off more dust again, perhaps the library was better at storing dust than useful books, don't you think?

"care to elaborate?" Sabrina asks as she waves off the cloud of dust spiraling toward her

"I mean think about it, do you think management will keep spells and enchantments out in the open like this?"

,Sabrina goes into her thoughts once more her expression perplexed, she was staring to climb down the stairs of her thoughts

"We have learned somewhat basic about the entities right" Says Sabrina while her eyes locked on the table

" yeah...."

"so according to the info, we know they can be summoned, and there are pieces of evidence relating to it and even the classic ouiji board"

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