Takeaways from Book pt.6

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Ikigai jointly written by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles.

1.- Always stay active, never retire.
He, who abandons the things he loves and knows how to do, loses the meaning of his life. That is why, even after having finished your "official" work life, it is essential to continue doing things of value, bringing beauty or usefulness to others, helping and shaping our tiny world.

2.- Take it easy.
The rush is inversely proportional to the quality of life. As a proverb says: "Walking slow gets you far." Time and energy gain new meaning when we leave the urgencies behind.

3.- Do not eat until complete.
Also, in food for long life, "less is more." According to the 80% law, to preserve health for a long time, instead of cramming, eat a little less of the hunger we have.

4.- Surround yourself with beautiful friends.
They are the best elixir to dissolve concerns with pleasant talk, telling and listening to anecdotes that lighten the existence, asking for advice, having fun together, sharing, and dreaming; In other words, Living.

5.- Get fit for your next birthday.
When water moves and flows fresh, it doesn't stagnate. Similarly, your vehicle for life needs a little daily maintenance so it can last for many years. Besides, exercise secretes the hormones of happiness.

6.- Smile.
A courteous attitude makes friends and relaxes the person. It's okay to see what's wrong. But don't forget the privilege of being here and now in this world full of possibilities.

7.- Reconnect with nature.
Although most human beings live in cities, they merge with nature. We need to regularly return to it to charge the soul's batteries.

8.- Be thankful.
To your ancestors, to the nature that provides you with air and food, to your life partners, to everything that enlightens your day-to-day and makes you feel happy to be alive. Take a moment of the day to say thank you, and you will increase your flow of happiness.

9.- Live the moment.
Stop lamenting the past and fearing the future. All you have is today. Give time for the best use, so it deserves to be remembered.

10.- Follow your Ikigai.
Within you, there is a passion, a unique talent that gives meaning to your days and pushes you to share your best until the end. If you haven't found your Ikigai, Keep searching until you do.

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