Day 25

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DAY 25:
Take better care of your skin. Wash, exfoliate, cleanse, tone, have a face mask, moisturise. We're talking the whole works! Your face will be glowing by tomorrow.

Not having the products? Worry not
Cleanser/face wash: raw milk
Face pack: 1 tsp of besan(gram flour) + pinch of turmeric + rose water(sensitive or oily skin)/curd(normal to dry skin) + masoor dal/ rice flour (exfoliating) OR just honey with baby pinch of turmeric
Toner: rose water, cucumber juice, neem water, tulsi water, diluted acv, etc
Moisturiser: aloevera gel (fresh/market), aloevera+2-3 drops glycerine/essential oil
Facial oil: essential oil(use with carrier oil only), almond oil, coconut oil, vitamin e capsule

One day, you will be so glad that you didn't give up on yourself.

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