You don't know what love is

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You don't know what love is

It's worry

When my son tics

When he squeezes his eyes shut

And jerks his head

It's concern

When a kid in class

Sends my innocent daughter

A message

Saying Pinocchio has a boner

You don't know what love is

It's being there

When they fret

It's my reassurance

Kind words


When I am tired

You don't know what love is

It's making a dinner

No one eats

Washing clothes

No one thanks

It's killing a spider

That scares me too

You don't know what love is

It's begging them to brush their teeth

It's telling them to get off devices

It's demanding they go outside

You don't know what love is

It is frustration


and hopelessness

It's sitting in a job

Five days a week

Making money to feed those kids

Who may not eat my meals

You don't know what love is

It's nerve damage

Every time my daughter turns the light switch

on and off, on and off

Six times in the bathroom

You don't know what love is

It's a thank you

It's a whisper of 'I love you'

It's a smile after school

It's a 'mummy, are you okay?'

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