Missing cord

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Sometimes a lump in the vagina can feel like the tampon cord you think you are missing. Your sense of touch and your mind can play tricks on you. You can convince yourself you definitely put a tampon in earlier and you can't remember taking it out. What you are feeling is most definitely the cord. But you can't remember if you took the tampon out already. Maybe you got distracted thinking about the universe's second cruel joke. You don't want to go to the hospital and get your vagina checked as you'll have to wait for hours. You've felt deep inside of yourself and you can't feel anything there for certain. Except that funny lumpy bit, but vaginas are full of funny lumpy bits. Like love, you think it's there, but you can't know for sure. It may have gotten implanted, it may be wedged somewhere, but the cord is missing and you can't tug on it any more. 

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