I want to suck face

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'You two are the prettiest girls in the bar. I used to be the prettiest girl in the bar. Not now, I've got a one year old and a three year old. I just want my husband to say I'm hot, you know. I just want him to jump me. You push two kids out of your vagina and it's never the same. And then he doesn't want you anyway. All my friends have gone home, but I wanted to stay out. I'm out, so I want to stay out.  I'm looking around and I just want someone to grab me like this and suck my face.'

The woman is pretty, blonde shoulder length hair, blue eyes. She's wearing a cropped red vinyl jacket, a white t-shirt, with black polka dots, and pale skinny jeans. She leans in to my friend, her pint of beer unsteady in one hand, and smashes her lips against my friend's lips. I look away.

I hear the woman say. 'So sorry, I kissed you like I kiss my children. I'm so sorry. That was a mother's kiss.'

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