thirteen ; insomniacs

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Misun couldn't sleep.

It was around two in the morning on Saturday, a couple of days after her get together with BTS, and she was wide awake. She often found herself like this; laying in her bed, lost in the maze she called her brain. She couldn't stop thinking about her upcoming assignments and tests, and how she was ever going to get anything done.

She sighs in exhaustion and rolls over, staring at her phone. She contemplated on whether she should text one of the boys or not. She didn't want to accidentally wake them up if they were asleep because she knew how rough their schedules were everyday.

Wait...Would Yoongi be up?

It was a known fact among their fans that the rapper stayed up often to work on songs and other things.

Maybe he needs someone to talk to while he works, Misun thinks as she grabs her phone and turns it on. The brightness of the screen blinds her for a moment before her eyes adjust. She pulls up Yoongi's contact and types up a message.

Saturday, 2:04 a.m.

i can't sleep 🙃

just close your eyes


Misun smiles and rolls her eyes. Of course, Yoongi would be this way. Texting him was like talking to a brick wall. Even though that was the case, Misun still enjoyed texting and teasing him endlessly.

She quickly typed another response and clicked send.


i tried that
but i just can't fall asleep

i'm busy
text somebody else



it's so funny when
you're annoyed lol

you're distracting me from work
please go to sleep

you should go to sleep too then
you're always working
do you ever get any sleep?


Misun frowned as she stared at the screen, seconds turning into minutes.

Ah, he's ignoring me now.

She tiredly plugged her phone back in and tried to take Yoongi's advice by closing her eyes. Instead of falling asleep, she tossed and turned for a long time, fighting back tears of frustration. All she wanted was to fall asleep. She knew that if she didn't, she wouldn't be able to function at work later.

Misun wasn't sure how much time went by before she started to hear a constant buzzing sound coming from her phone. Confused, she reached for it and looked at the blinding screen once again.

Misun blinked in surprise as she saw that Yoongi was calling her. She quickly tapped the green button and held it up to her ear. "Hello? Yoongi?"

There was a pause and then, "You sound awful."

Misun smiled and put the call on speakerphone. She set it beside her head on her pillow, looking up at the ceiling. "You don't sound any better," She replied.

Yoongi didn't say anything as he continued to work. Misun could hear the soft taps and clicks of his keyboard through the phone. She didn't mind it, though. It was comforting.

As she lay there listening to him work, she couldn't help but become a little curious about what he was working on.



"What are you working on?"

The tapping sounds stopped as he sighed. He sounded so tired. Misun understood the exhaustion that he must be feeling. Her heart hurt for him.

"I'm working on a new song." He paused and then continued, "Would you like to hear what I have so far?"

Misun smiled. "Sure."

A few clicks later, Misun could hear a soft melody thrumming through her speaker. She started to move her head from side to side, moving to the music as it spoke to her soul. It didn't have any words but Misun somehow knew the message that Yoongi was trying to convey. The tune was sweet and sad and soulful, something that Misun didn't expect to be made by the rapper.

When the song ended, there was a heavy silence between the two. Misun smiles softly. "It's pretty. I like it."

"I'm glad," He says, a hint of a smile in his voice. A chair creaks in the background as Yoongi moves. "But it's missing something..."

He trails off as he continues to work on the song. Misun chuckles to herself as she shakes her head.

Such a perfectionist.

She rolls over onto her side, getting into a more comfortable position, and burrows into the covers. After listening to the song, she felt a little sleepier than she did before. She closes her eyes and murmurs, "I think your song cured my insomnia."

Yoongi chuckles, the deep and raspy sound resonating through the speaker. "Should I give you the song, then?"

Misun grins as warmth blooms in her chest. "No, it's okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Misun says, still smiling. "May I listen to it again?"

"Of course," Yoongi replies. One click later and the song is playing through her speaker.

Misun closes her eyes as the song lulls her to sleep. She wasn't sure if it was the song or Yoongi's calming presence, but she slowly began to fall into the dark abyss called sleep. Before she completely passed out, she murmured, "Goodnight, Grumpy."

The last thing she heard from her phone was a chuckle and a low murmur. "Goodnight, Sunny."

And then she fell asleep.


i love their friendship. late night conversations on the phone with a boy is so weirdly intimate.

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