The Rose Knights

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Third Person POV
[ ] = Local language

Itami gingerly rubbed his face, a bright red mark on it as Rory pouted next to him. Kuribayashi occasionally glanced at Itami who continued his negotiations with the Princess and the head Countess of Italica with Hamilton acting as the voice of the two women's side. As the lists of requests and points of the treaty were being hammered out, Tucker yawned as Caboose silently signaled Kurikowa for another pack of crayons as Donut changed the name of a particuler crayon. Carolina and Washington stood vigilant while glancing at Sarge who had his finger on the shotgun trigger, his eyes firmly on Grif who had taken shelter underneath a pillar and was currently asleep. Simmons meanwhile was writing down the treaty word for word, his eyes darting back and forth between Lelei and Hamilton who acted as the translator and the main voice of negotiations, his hand scribbled on the paper in front of him.

The talks continued down the long list that Princess Pina wished to discuss about. However as the final topic soon came on the agenda Pina stifined. The question at hand is one of significant importance, however after witnessing what the Reds and Blues as well as the Japanese had to offer in terms of military strength she hoped that they don't reach an impass of the upcoming topic.

Hamilton: [Now we will move onto the issue of the prisoners. The Japanese and their allies the Colorful Warriors of Justice will take several prisoners of their choice with them, the rest will be kept here in Italica.]

Lelei: [We (The Japanese) have no problems with leaving some of the prisoners here, as long as they are treated humanly.]

Hamilton: [Hu....manly?]

Lelei: [Treat them with kindness and dignity, like one would do to a freind or faimly.]

Hamilton soon developed a tick mark on her head, a look of frustration soon came from her face as she looked at the group in the eyes. Her voice remained steady though it carried the weight of her emotions. Princess Pina started to raise her hand for Hamilton to stop, however a sudden idea came to her head. With that she sat back down, her eyes intently looking at the group in front of her.

Hamilton: [What kind of freind or faimly would raid, pillage, and murder their own in kind? Why should we hold back the justice that the famlies of the dead and wounded yearn for?]

Lelei: [That is their demands.]

Hamilton still kept her composure, however her eyes soon turned to the Reds and Blues, Simmons soon looked up from his notes and stared directly back at Hamilton.

Hamilton: [What do the Colorful Warriors of Justice have to say about this? Surely you all must know what the people in the villages felt.]

Before Wahington and Carolina could respond Simmons accidently knicked his finger while puting his pen to the paper in front of him. A small curse followed by the clutter of the notepad and the pen on the ground soon drew all eyes onto him. With a nervous breath he looked at Washington and Carolina, both of whom soon returened their eyes to the front as Sarge silently turned to face Grif fully.

Simmons: [W-Well.....]

Simmons soon looked at Donut who soon gave him a pair of thumb's up. With a quick stuttering breath Simmons soon turned back towards the awaiting ears of Hamilton.

Simmons: [I-It would be un-unwise to exact revenge on your enemies, d-doing so would ma-make it seem like th-there is no chance for compromise.]

Hamilton: [Unwise? A chance to compromise?]

With a bit of regained confidence Simmons cleared his throat and soon continued.

Simmons: [If you make it to where no quater is given, then what's to use when asking for surrender. If they think you will be inhumane to them, then they will no chances for a bloodless resolution.]

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