Fire Dragon

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Third Person POV

It has been a few hours since the 3rd Recon Team found the Reds and Blues and for the most part they two got along. Kurokawa helped Caboose pronounce Itami's name much to the despair of Kuribayashi, Tucker and Kurata soon became buddies over their interests, and the atmosphere was mostly positive. This continued into a desert where Grif is continuing to tell the village children about how the Reds and Blues faced the Meta.

Grif:[And there he was, ready to tear us apart. His strength like that of ten bears.]

Children: Oooohhhhh.

Grif: [We tried everything we could but nothing seemed to work. He just shrugged off all our hits like it was nothing.]

As Grif continued to tell his story Itami and Washington looked at a map however the constant chatter was quite distracting and Washington finally looked up at Grif.

Washington: Grif, stop telling your stories. Their out of proportions.

Grif: Hey, no there not!

Itami: Would you mind telling us how it ended?

Washington: We hooked a Warthog tow cable to his belt and threw him off a cliff.

Kurata: That's badass!

Tucker: I know right?!

As the car soon bustled with noise Itami looked out of the window and sighed.

Itami: How long has it been?

Washington: About 7 hours.

Itami then looked backwards at the line of carts that followed them and pulled his head back inside.

Itami: Well let's hope this doesn't all go for nothing.

Kurata: Well do they have a plan?


Kurata: They don't have a plan?!

Itami: *sigh* No, they don't.

Washington: Refugees don't have the luxury of time. They have a tendency to think short term.

Itami: I guess our worlds aren't as different as we thought.

Tucker: Yeah, it's all a shitty place that some people fuck up even more for people like us to have to clean up.

Donut: I like to think that the world is like a flower. I blossoms when we want it to.


Tucker: *sigh* I can't beleive I actually want to agree with Caboose.

Washington: Hey, let's not get to-

Suddenly Washington sat up straight and began to glow a vibrant gold before quickly grabbing his rifle.

Washington: We got incoming!

Itami: What do you mean incom-

Itami didn't waste a second and grabbed his radio as the Reds and Blues got their weapons ready. 

Itami: Scatter!

The news quickly spread just as the first breath came barreling out of the sky. Suddenly a huge orange sheet appeared and the first blast was deflected.

And Thus The Reds And Blues Fought ThereDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora