pinky promise

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it's monday, we're about to start auditions. blue still didn't arrive when i got here, i'm starting to think she changed her mind when she texted "i'm in the waiting room💃" and followed it up with. "remember no bias or istg."

i replied with "virtual pinky promise 🤙"

"i don't know about y'all but so far i think everyone that came in here sucked ass." finneas said.

"yup" i agreed while looking around the room and everyone was noding their heads.

"bring the next person in i guess." i sighed.

"jasper" he said before doing his thing. he was actually pretty good, and i put him on the list of people who i would hire.

after him came hamza then klinton then travis then brad then lennord then isis then ezra then william then donald then ryle... it was like a never ending line of people who made our ears bleed then left. the she came in.

"hi, i'm blue." she raised a hand to greet everyone at the room and then did a little wave to me which made me smile and my heart flutter. finneas saw the interaction and smiled at me.

she made the hours of hell sitting in this chair worth every minute of it. she aced every part of her performance. she would sneak little looks at me and once winked at me which turned me red.

is it normal to fall for someone before making things official? because i know i'm falling.

"thank you." she said with a cute smile before walking out.

"so, i know you know that i know very little things about this stuff, but that was pure talent." my manager clapped his hands. "your girlfriend has got some skills."

"billie, you know her?" andrew asked.

"don't you think having someone romantically involved with her isn't supposed to be part of the team? things could go horribly wrong." a team crew pointed out.

"you have a point, let's finish this up then we'll see what the situation is gonna look like." matt gestured for the middle aged women to call the next person.

finneas and i looked at each other, hopeful. getting them to even consider blue on the team in going to be a challenge and i have to remember i promised to not be biased.

"it's between jasper, blue and danny." i said. "the rest can go until we make the decision." i gave the list of crossed off names to the women.

"i personally saw that danny was better than jasper. jasper looked like he was new to this, he had talent but there was something missing in him." finneas voiced.

"yeah, i agree. jasper has to be crossed off, danny was wayyyy better than him." i agreed.

"okay, then cross off jasper. it's between blue and danny." matt said.

i stayed quite, i didn't want to influence anyone else's thoughts. i'm the gonna be the last to talk.

"blue is better than danny, she was the best person who played for us and whoever says otherwise is lying." andrew said.

"i think everyone in this room sees that and in fact heard that but let's not ignore the obvious. if we hire blue, will her relationship with billie affect her work? we have to put that into account." a member said.

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now