you're evil

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"go get the vegan cheese and i'll get the pasta." i ordered billie.

"i don't want to leave you, i'm scared i'm going to get mobbed." billie said.

"alright, we'll go together then." i sighed.


"no, don't apologize baby. it's okay, we're going to go together and we'll go back home and make a delicious vegan pasta together for dinner." i held her hand.

"okay." she bit her lip.

"here, which pasta is your favorite?" i asked her.

"mom always makes me buy this one, she says it cheap and tasty." she pointed at the bag maggie uses.

"do we get two or three bags?" i asked.

"three to be safe and have leftovers for the next couple days." billie answered while putting the bags into the cart.

"do you know where the cheese is?" i asked.

"i have no idea, just go to the fridges we'll find them there." billie said.

"get in the cart." i told billie.

"huh?" she frowned her brows.

"you're barely walking, her in the cart. i'll push you around." i told her.

"help me up then." she cheekily smiled. i held her waist as she pushed herself up the cart, she made it in safely but the cart started moving sideways and almost hit an aisle but a random women stopped it. i thanked her and pushed the cart away as fast as possible. as soon as we were far enough from the women we started uncontrollably laughing, to the point where everyone we passed through starred at us.

"wait! the cheese is here!" billie pointed at the aisle we just passed. i went back and started looking for the brand we wanted. "get two bags of it."

"i know, you love it extra cheesy." i nodded and put two bags of the vegan cheese in the cart. "what else do we need?"

"we're done, but can we get takis?" billie asked.

"i bought a whole stash on sunday for you. where did that go?" i asked.

"i was hungry! and you sometimes sleep so early and i have insomnia. i can't sleep! so i just eat!" she defended herself.

"okay we'll get takis." i shook my head.

"get maggie on facetime, i'm scared i'm going to fuck up our dinner." i laughed at my misery.

"you're doing great." billie told me, calling maggie anyways.

"hi billie." maggie answered.

"blue wants you." billie turned the camera to me.

"hi mama." i greeted.

"hi honey, what's going on?" maggie said.

"so i'm making pasta, and i don't know when i'm supposed to get the pasta out of the water. i don't want to over cook it and i don't want it to be hard." i bit my lip.

"did you get the same kind of pasta i use?" she asked.

"i did."

"boil it for eight minutes exactly, and while you're doing that start the sauce, that way you won't waste more time in the kitchen." maggie instructed me.

"okay how much salt do i put in the sauce? the recipe doesn't say anything." i frowned.

"just a table spoon."

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now