✨💎❤️I SHIP IT Template❤️💎✨

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Hello! I'm actually proud of myself for once I am keeping up with updating constantly! Hehehehe anyways uh yeah. I really wanted to do one of these type of templates again so I found one on my friends book (voidnezuro) this idea was inspired by them! Not gonna lie I spent 1 whole days on this. Didn't sleep for last night, then I decided to finish it up at almost 2 in the morning! ^.^  I have such a great sleep schedule✨Alright so enjoy!

^  I have such a great sleep schedule✨Alright so enjoy!

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Because it's adorable

Honestly this ship is honestly so cute! It's like they were made for each other! 😳 10/10

Because it's hot

I love Broja, the pairing is amazing and I love how they would be cute together! 9.5/10

Because it makes sense

Okay to be honest with you 1/4 of this are curse ships so 🤷‍♀️ d e a l w i t h i t Anyways so uh I honestly like this pairing and see it working kinda like a quite kid x popular girl type you know..? 8/10

Because it's sweet 

Crack ship👏✨💃 I like this SHIP A LOT MORE THAN I SHOULD!!!!!!!! I can see Dum and Hunter working out together, like Hunter being a tsunder type and is too scared to confwess his fweelings for Dum 😫👉👈 9.0/10

Because of its potential 

I really do love PlayCap, it was my first Among Us Logic ship! This ship I just really like the idea of, I do love to think of a AU out there where Player really does care for Cap. And I'm pretty sure Player does care for him deep down in his overflowing FNF heart. I hate FNFL. 10/10

Because it's healthy 

OKAY TO BE FAIR! IT IS HEALTHY...for the most part...OK LOOK THAT WAS ONE TIME! Plus everyone in the fandom knows that they've got the most stable relationship out of all of the crew. And longest! 💪 But honestly, I see Gnome more with Dum. (9.5/10 Engineer x Gnome) For Dum and Gnome it would be, 10/10 for me at least. Actually scratch the longest relationship, Rose and B-Day takes that award.

Because it's new 


Because it's canon 

I ship them because their cannon but also because they're adorable together! They genuinely seem to care and AHHH THEY ARE ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏😫 10/10 Btw am I the only one who sees Rose as the dominant one in the relationship? 🤨

Because they understand each other 

I would see after Aiden was free and he met pack up with Punk the most wholesome of bromancing of gay moments would appear. n o w I w a n n a w r i t e t h a t a s a s h o r t s k i t I actually really like this ship a lot! 8/10

Because they're different 

Okay honestly Baggari must be one of my most favorite straight ship in AUL. Their dynamic together works so well! They are made for each other ❤️❤️ 10/10

Because they're the same

I like the idea of this ship because I would see Mr. Cheese and Happy hanging out with each other so much causing mayhem where ever they go. Honestly the song that would represent them is Partners in Crime created by band: Set It Off. I don't know I love this paring so much! 9.5/10

Because of subtext

Crack ship I really like. I JUST HAVE TOO THE OPPORTUNITY WAS RIGHT THERE!! YOU MUST UNDERSTAND!!!! EEEEE. Okay I like this ship a lot because I can see Mother lecturing Not-Orange so many times about mini crewmates not being pets that he would start to flirt with her. 😏 I give this ship a 8.5/10!

Because of fanwork 

I had trouble thinking of ships that would look great together. But then I remember stumbling upon this ship in my friends book I don't know if she ships it but I really liked her head canons she had lined out and I just thought they would look great together! A solid 8/10

Because they're underrated

In my opinion Stongel? Anger? BAGAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA ANGER!? OK THAT IS THEIR SHIP NAME NO QUESTIONS ASK. AnYWaYs I love this ship a lot because it would make for a very good angst ship, I'm pretty sure Stoner isn't a drug addict he's a geology major but whatever g o o d a n g s t. Anyways I would see Angel getting mad at Stoner for smoking and taking a lot of drugs. Stoner would like to stop but he can't so together it would be a long journey but they both know it would be worth it in the end. DAMN THAT WAS DEEP- I give this ship a solid 10/10 it's amazing I love it! 

Because I don't see them with anybody else

Ok this is mostly for Greaser and a little bit for Vet, I only see Veteran with Cap other than that pretty much no one 🤷‍♀️ I like this ship a lot! And no, I'm pretty sure their not cousins. I looked it up and it turns out, "What's bussin' cousin?" Is a phrase. YEAH NO INCE$T HERE! And still in Among Us Logic 4 it got pretty romantic between Vet and Greaser towards the end 😳 7.5/10 I still like the ship a lot!

Because I CAN

Okay if you have been reading my book for a while I'm pretty sure you can tell this is my TOP TOP OTP ship. And maybe you found me from various comments I left around leading up to this ship- UH ANYWAYS I love this ship a lot for 10 REASONS! I'm joking there's more, but I'll spare you and give you 3. 1: Honestly to me they seem legitimately perfect for each other. Gentleman is very calm when Mr. Egg is around and in AUL 8 it seems he still loved Mr. Egg. Although lots of time has past so maybe he doesn't like him or maybe he does. With Mr. Egg I think he still loves The Gentleman a lot because of these two videos: The Daddy Imposter Mod 😏 I'm sorry- And Yandere Imposter Mod. I would explain but this is already long enough 😭 Maybe I shall make a chapter about I dunno 🤷‍♀️  2: I see their relationship as Ft. Freddy x Bon Bon, since Gentlemen kinda you know has anger issues 🤷‍♀️ 🌚 and Mr. Egg would always be there calming him down since he is sUCH A NICE CALM CUTE LITTLE ADORABLE BEAN OMG I SIMP FOR HIM TOO MUCH!!!! Anyways yEah. 3: I can see Gentleman starting to regret his decision with getting back with Mr. Cheese since he has became a whole new person. I could see him slip into depression slowly since he barely sees Mr. Egg around since he is always playing in the different lobby (GameToons Gaming) I could also see him slowly getting shun out by the crew since Mr. Cheese became a total douchbag and no one would really want to hang out/ be near them. OKAY WHY AM I GOING SO DEEP INTO THIS!? Frick now I want to make this into a book.......😏🎩🥚 ♾/10 I love this ship so much. But I'll give it a normal rating 10/10 but this, this is my true rating👉♾/10

Now if you'll excuse me I need to go sleep before the demons come get me. Goodnight/Day/Evening or yes. Cya next chapter! Hehe next chapter might be head canons so I really do hope you guys enjoyed this because I sure did have a lot of fun making this!!

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