~The Compromise~ (The Aftermath Of Hacking Security Cams)

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Captain's POV:

"Player, are you okay?"


"I-I'm going to go."

"Bye Player!" Dum called out after her brother cheerfully.

Player left the game.

"What was that all about?" Dum asked.

"Eh Player just being Player" I responded.

Before we could say anything else Mr. Cheese and Gentleman walked up to us, Mr. Cheese looked like he was about to snap someone's neck. While TheGentleman looked quite embarrassed and frustrated.

"Well well well, looks this fweaking loser put on a Dum acted to make herself look like a dumb dork moron but really she was cheating!"


Dum and I exclaimed, both shocked and confused.

"Oh don't act all innocent! I know you were just trying to act like a total noob but then BAM! You managed to win the game! Like a cheater."

"Give it up Mr. Cheese! Haven't you ever heard of beginner's luck? She won fair and square! Stop being a sore loser and just accept that you lost!"


"That fweak cheated and I know it!"

"I'm keeping my eyes on both of you"

Mr. Cheese walked off angrily, TheGentleman gave us an apoplectic look before Mr. Cheese yelled his name.

Dum and I looked over at them, Mr. Cheese seemed to be ranting about Dum supposedly "cheating".

"Ugh what a jerk." Dum said.

"Oh yeah..."

We both kept watching until they left the lobby.

I looked around the lobby, empty. I nervously looked at Dum, I hope she agrees with this.


"Yes Captain?"

"I need a favor from you, m-more like a..compromise."

Dum raised her eyebrow, a little skeptical.

"Look I know this sounds crazy and we just met but I need your help."


"You see, I like your brother...a lot. And no matter what I do I just can't seem to get close with him."

Dum's eyes lit up.

"OH MY GOSH! YOU LIKE MY BROTHER! YOU LIKE MY BROTHER! YOU LIKE MY BROTHER!!" She screamed, basically jumping up and down.

"Y-yeah I thought I made that clear."

She stopped and put on a serious face.

"What can I help you with?"

I smiled, I don't even know if this is going to work but let's give this a try...

"I need you to pretend to date me."


"Look I know it sounds weird and uncomfortable but at this point I'm getting desperate!"

"Please, you're my only hope."

"I don't know Captain..."

"We don't have to be all lovey dovey all the time just around Player and the others!"

Dum didn't respond for a few minutes but then spoke,

"So...it's just a fake relationship so you can get with my...brother?"


"It sounds crazy! Believe me I know! But I need this to work."

Dum looked around and then looked at me straight in the eyes.

"You know what Captain? I'll help you."

I felt my heart lit up.


"If anyone can make my brother happy then it's you."

I smiled and threw my arms around her. As I hugged her, I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"No problem!"

"Come on, let's get out of here!"

"Let's go grab some coffee once the ship lands and we will talk about all the boundaries."

I smiled again, m-maybe this will work! Maybe for once, things will finally go my way!

I wiped the tears that formed in my eyes with my sleeve.

"Yeah let's go."

Ok so maybe I just leaked a little bit of one of my Chapters in my GentleEgg book 🌚👉👈 I hoped you enjoy this! Not gonna lie, I cried a little writing this-

Well goodbye! Have a fabulous day/morning/night/evening!

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