💤⭐️☁️A Cozy Sleepover!☁️⭐️💤

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Some of the crew members had a nice and cozy sleepover! 

Some of the crew members had a nice and cozy sleepover! 

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Happy & Mr. Cheese

Here is Happy and Mr. Cheese just enjoying themselves, mostly Happy. Happy is dressed up as a crocodile while Mr. Cheese is dressed up like Cheddar! Mr. Cheese is currently freaking out on how big Happy's croco tail is. What even is the ship name for these two! Happeese? Cheeshap? I like Happeese better 😂 

Veteran & Greaser

Next we have Veteran and Greaser! Veteran is dressed up as Pikachu while Greaser is a coyote, aww how adorable. Veteran blowing kisses 😚 VetGrease? GreaseVet? Maybe GreaseVet- Honestly sounds like a hair product 😂

TheGentleman & Mr. Egg

Here we have TheGentleman and Mr. Egg being friggen CUTE, TheGentleman is dressed up as a cat while Mr. Egg is dressed up like a chicken! Mr. Egg is giving Gentleman a scratch behind the ear even though he isn't a real cat- GentleEgg, EggGentle- 😳 UH SO ANYWAYS YEAH- GentleEgg  is the ship name 😌

Captain & Player

In this lovely section we have Captain and Player lying on the floor because there is nowhere else for them to sit 😂 Here we have Captain dressed up as a dog while we have Player dressed up as Werewolf Boyfriend. Here we have Captain trying to show he is the alpha :o Although pretty sure he knows damn well Player be the top- ANYWAYS PlayCap, CapPlay? wHaT? PlayCap suits them better-

Gnome & Dum

Lastly we have Gnome and Dum! Oh my god I find myself shipping these two more and more- Here we have Gnome dressed up as a tiger while we have Dum dressed up as a bear ! ^.^ As you see, Gnome is freaking out on how adorable Dum is. And honestly I can't blame her- GnoDum, DumGno? WAIT! Domino- HAHAHAHAHAHA What is the ship name for this? GnomeDum? Dum Gnome? 

Interesting on...EVERYTHING. I liked how this turned out! Nice and wholesome and adorable 😊 

Well have a fabulous day/night/evening/morning or whatever!  😖👉🌈👈🤨

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