Chapter 6

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*The none of these pictures belong to me*

Michelangelo Dario Romano POV

After having lunch with papa

I can't believe this I have a sister and another brother, twins. Is that why she really left? It doesn't matter anymore, what matters now is bringing my little siblings home. It's been a month since our mother has passed away, they must be all alone. The stupid system couldn't locate us because of some technical  difficulties, what a load of, it doesn't matter. Papa has made arrangements with the travel airline agents to make sure they get here smoothly.  

Present Day/In the mini limo 

"Hello I'm your oldest brother Michelangelo Dario Romano, its a pleasure to finally meet you both", I say as the make themselves comfortable in the car. Finally I get to meet my little princess and my little brother. 

"Uh hello I'm Elio and this is Astrid", he's says as Astrid gives a slight nod. Not really that talkative I see. They must be tired from the flight.

"How was the flight?"

"It wasn't too bad, I mean there was a lot of problems with the plane, it kept shaking", Elio responds back. Astrid yawns

"I see, well we will arrive at home in about an hour, are you guys hungry perhaps?", 

"no",Astrid whispers as her eyes slowly start too close. She doesn't look too well, is she sick, maybe she's just tired.

"Astrid come on you know you can't sleep, just wait a bit more", Elio whispers in her ear. And she just nods.

"no we're not hungry just tired, we ate before we boarded the plane, and what do you mean oldest brother do we have more siblings?",he asks curiously, and this seems to have also gotten Astrid's attention as she is more awake now.

"well yes in fact we do, you have 6 brothers including myself but the only sister you have is Astrid" after that we talked more about our siblings, Astrid was trying her very best to stay awake, must I say her attempt of staying awake was really cute. I told them about our father, and about the boy's after school clubs so they will come home late. It's 4.00 so only a bit more till we reach our house. The boys were furious that they couldn't skip school to meet their new siblings Alessandro is covering for me whilst I bring the twins home. Domenico is, well lets just say he's being Domenico, not sure if thats a good or bad thing. And dad is at home in his office probably doing something to keep him occupied till we arrive.  

"How are you?", Astrid asks me

"I'm doing much better, now that I've finally got to meet you two", I say with a smile. And she responds back with a small smile, this really makes me feel better. Elio breaks up the silence by asking another question.

"So if you don't mind me asking what type of work do you do?"

"I work and own several companies around the world, our father has retired so he just helps me manage the lower areas of the companies. Alessandro your second oldest brother runs an art&fashion museum" Before I could say anything else the car stops and we are greeted by our gates, looks like we're here.

"Welcome home" 

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