Chapter 12

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*These pictures do not belong to me*

Third POV

They had finally arrived at the triplets favourite pizza restaurant, it was located in between the city centre in a neighbourhood that had a vintage look to it. The restaurant had been opened for around 50 years, each generation that inherited the restaurant took care of it diligently. The size of the restaurant was relatively small as it is located between two other shops, one small library and a mini garden shop.  As the five siblings entered the shop they were greeted with an unpleasant surprise. 

"oh oh oh, Would you look at who we have here boys, isn't this the infamous trio", a boy with pitch black hair said out loud as he walked towards Lorenzo. In the background of the restaurant you could hear three other boys laughing as two others stared intensely at the five siblings. One of the boys that was staring  had dark tan skin with grey eye and jet black hair that screamed danger. The other one had a much lighter tan with honey coloured hair and dark brown eyes. The boy on the right side of the dark tan skin boy had pale pink skin and dark green hair that matched his eyes, the other two were clearly twins both had freckles that lightly sat on their beautiful tan skin however one twin had darker eyes than the other and one had a visible skull rose snake tattoo on his neck. All six wore the same leather jacket. 

"Watch it asshole" Lorenzo spat out clenching his fist until his knuckles turned white whilst he took a step forward until he was right in the black haired boy's face.

"Or what", there had been a moment of silence until Leonardo interrupted. 

"Not today day Lorenzo" giving his brother a look to remind him that not only where they out numbered but they also had the twins with them.

"Oh my pardon my rudeness my name is Massimo and who might this beautiful looking lady be?"Massimo said looking directly at Astrid with a smirk creeping up his lips.
All four boys blocked his view of Astrid.
"You are not excused and my name is none of your business" Astrid said with a sudden confidence instilled into her.
"Beautiful and sassy just the way I-" before he could finish Lorenzo had sent his fist straight to Massimo's face causing him to stumble and fall on to the floor, everything became dead silent and all five boys that where at the back lunged at the five and everything went to hell. Fists were flying everywhere and  ill words where exchanged until.

"All of you stop this instant or else I am calling the police!!", shouted and old man with a metal bat appeared. "Don't make me fucking teach you children a lesson on manners and respect!"the old man spat out.  Everyone froze. "OUT NOW!" the old man screamed

"Gee fine whatever, we where already leaving, see you at school. Bye Bye Bye, little Lorenzo"Massimo spat out in a disgusted tone with a wicked bloodied smirk, and walked out of the restaurant whilst being followed by his gang. 

Leonardo POV

Shit not again, why did he have to punch the bastard and know we just got into another fight. If only the twins weren't here. "Are you guys hurt?" I said.
"obviously" said Luca
"Call Dom to come pick us up" Lorenzo said taking a seat on one of the chairs, Luca just nodded and dialled Domenico's number. Those where no ordinary teenage boy's if you haven't already guested they are apart of a new gang that just got recognised recently and ever since then they have been causing a lot of ruckus. Massimo as you guested it is the leader and everyone at the restaurant is apart of his newly assembled gang, though there are more members, luckily they weren't here today.  

"What the hell was that all about?"shouted Elio from the floor as Astrid helped him up . What are we going to tell them?

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