Chapter 16

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Astrid POV

This place is pretty cool and I've met some nice people. Might I say this isn't so bad, it's now 2'clock and I'm in my second last lesson of today. And I am exhausted from continuously getting lost  to nearly getting into fight. Know let me rewind a few hours back. It all started at the end of my fourth class when we were all going to go down to lunch. Me, Sofia and Lidia, who are my new friends, were showing me around the school in a bit more detail before we headed to the lunch hall.  

The school is truly beautiful and very green, apparently it used to be some kind of old miniature castle that was owned by a very racist english man, who had escaped England because of tax fraud and must I also say stole a pretty large amount of money and some how ended up here in Italy.  Long story short, the current owners of the school  obliviously bought it after the old english man passed away. However, it was rumoured that he was poisoned, and that's how he actually  died not from old age. The school is not some Harry potter looking castle but a more modern and clean vintage mansion that was turned into a school. 

Anyway, so as I was saying before, my new friends wanted to show me around the school  we were walking around getting to know each other, and then bam I ended up bumping into the really tall kind of buff guy. He looked like he had just gotten out of the gym, probably from pe class. The colour of his hair was dark brown with a scruffy wet look, but his eyes on the other hand, had told a whole different story. 

After I bumped into him, I obviously apologised, and we both carried on our separate ways, I carried on talking to Lidia and Sofia. And somewhere along the line, he thought I said something offensive to him, so he turned back and walked right up to me, looking dead in the eye at me like I was some kind of criminal.  And there I was trying to explain to this self-absorbed idiot that I and my friends were not talking about him and that everything wasn't about him. Oh, and yes, he did not like that. Well, luckily for me, Sofia's older brother came to the rescue and took the self-absorbed a-hole away. 

Later during lunch Sofia explained that the crazy guy before was called Roma and he apparently has been going through a few problems at home according to her brother, but she didn't go into detail about it, she just said that he is not normally like this and that he is actually a decent guy. Well, I mean, after learning about that, I kinda get it. I mean, I know it's hard to process certain things or problems that may occur in life. And so after she briefly explained to me about Roma's problems, I didn't think much about it, even though the way he acted was quite immature.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Sofia asked

"Yep, I'm okay, I mean everyones got their own problems to deal with, and we all handle it differently."I responded as I shoved a spoon of mashed potatoes in my mouth. 

"Well, I'm certainly more awake now than before after that little incident, so Astrid, mind if I ask why you moved here?"Lidia asked 

"Not at all, well you see a few months ago my mum passed away so me and my brother had to move to our dad's place which is here", 

"Oh, i'm so sorry for your lost", Lidia said.

"Yeah damn, I'm sorry for your loss," Sofia also said.

"thank you", I said, we carried on talking about the most random things, from what type of shows we watch, to where we want to visit, and what we want to study at university. It was really nice. However, once lunch ended it was time to head back to class.  

Elio POV

Finally, the end of the day. Now I get to kick back and relax, oh wait no I can't do that now because my stupid business teacher, who might I also say didn't even bother to show up, gave us homework. To be fair, I shouldn't really be complaining since the homework looks kinda easy. 

"BOO!" Luca shouted from behind me,  I looked over my shoulder and noticed Lorenzo walking alongside someone, but Leonardo was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Leo?" I asked Luca.

"Seriously, not even a flinch. Guess you don't get scared too easily. Oh anyway, Leo said something about going past the book shop to get a book he ordered and not to wait for him since his friend will take him home, "Luca responded.

"Hey Elio, how was your first day?" Lorenzo asked me.

"Not too bad except for the business teacher giving us homework on the first day," I said

"Oh damn man, who's your teacher?"asked the person standing next to Lorenzo . His eyes and hair were pitch black, and his hair colour was so dark that it almost seemed as if it had been colored. I wonder if he really did colour it. 

"I think her name was ms Müller but she didn't even come to school, so we had a sub instead,"I responded.

"Right  I forgot to introduce you to this, here is my little baby brother Elio, and this here is my good old friend Dante." Lorenzo said as he wavd his hands side to side in a very friendly manner. 

"I wonder where our dear baby sister is," Luca pondered.


"Enough with the chit chat, and get your ass in the car,"Domenico shouted from across the car park.  Damn what's gotten in his pants today. And it looks like Astrid is already in the car, sitting next to Domenico in the front. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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