Selfless, Brave, and True

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Emma had told (Y/n) that Neal invited her over to his hotel room at Granny's B&B, along with Henry. Neal wanted to speak to (Y/n) a little bit to try and move them past her distaste for him. They had gotten along so far, but there was nearly six years of distain for Neal in (Y/n), so they agreed to talk it over a bit.

Heading down the stairs that morning, (Y/n) saw David preparing a tray of breakfast, placing a couple of snowbell flowers into a little vase. She could only assume it was for Mary Margaret, who was still held up in bed, the covers over her head. "Breakfast in bed? Seriously?" Emma snapped slightly as she watched her father almost bring the tray to her.

David looked between Emma and Mary Margaret before turning to his daughter and saying, "What happened has been really hard on Mary Margaret. The least we can do is make sure she's eating."

"Look, David, I think so too. But the breakfast in bed is a little too on the nose for her right now," (Y/n) said, giving a glance to her mother.

"I think it's time to give the hot cocoa and the foot massages a rest. It's time to haul her ass out of bed and get her to move past this," Emma stated, and David set the tray down onto the countertop.

"That's a little harsh, don't you think?" David said firmly. Lowering his voice, he said, "She took Cora's life."

"Is everything okay?" Henry asked as he came down the stairs.

"Everything's fine, kid. Get your coat. We're gonna be late," Emma said, and (Y/n) walked over to help Henry put his jacket on, followed by herself.

"Bye, Gramps," Henry said to David.

"I know you think that she needs our help, but at the end of the day, she's the only one who can help herself," Emma said quietly to him, putting on her own coat.

Emma drove them over there in her little yellow bug, and as soon as she parked, Henry ran up to the B&B. Opening the door with a grin, he ran in and gave Neal a hug as Neal said, "Hey, buddy! How are you?"

"I'm good. I brought this," Henry said, and took out the storybook from his backpack. "I thought you could tell me what it was really like over there."

"Sounds great," Neal said, taking the book and looking back down to Henry. "I'll tell you what. Why don't you run to the diner, get us four hot cocoas and we'll dive in."

(Y/n) looked between Emma and Neal before saying, "Hey, I'll go with him. Make sure he gets those cocoas and not a large pie."

"Thanks, (Y/n)," Neal said with a smile, and she followed her nephew out of the hotel room to go to the diner.

Henry and (Y/n) had nice small talk as they went to the diner, getting the cocoas for themselves and Neal and Emma. (Y/n) did feel like the time she spent with Henry was too short, but she enjoyed the moments she did have with him. He was her nephew, and she had grown to love him more than she thought she would when he turned up at her and Emma's door saying he was Emma's kid. Getting the cocoas and heading back, (Y/n) opened the door, and was rather surprised to see another woman there with Emma and Neal. She had long, straight, black hair and dark skin, and was standing close to Neal as they spoke to Emma.

"Henry, (Y/n)!" Neal said when they walked in. He saw (Y/n)'s surprised and confused face and said, "Um, this is Tamara, my fiancée."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," she said, sticking a hand out for (Y/n) to shake.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm (Y/n), Emma's sister," (Y/n) said, gesturing towards her awkward standing sister.

"Hi, I'm Henry," Henry greeted. "I'm Neal's son."

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