Chapter 1: Introduction

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A police car was speeding after dangerous criminals in their own car who were shooting at them.

Meanwhile, a blond man was driving in his car wearing a very fancy suit, clearly on his way to an important event, when he heard something interesting over the radio.

"We interrupt for an important bulletin. A deadly high-speed pursuit between police and armed gunmen is underway traveling northbound on San Pablo Ave."

The man glanced down at his watch.

"Yeah, I've got time." He concluded

He hit a button on his car to put his car on Auto drive and leaned his chair back and a machine changed his tux into a black and blue superhero suit with a black mask and a big 'i' on the front, and his car converted to match his suit.

He sped forward to intercept the armed gunman when he noticed an old lady flagging him down.

"Mr. Incredible! Mr. Incredible!" She waved.

He pulled over and rolled down the window.

"What is it ma'am?"

"My cat, Squeaker, won't come down." She gestured to a tree where a cat was.

"Certainly ma'am, but I suggested you stand back, there could be trouble."

"No, no. He's quite tame." She promised.

Mr. Incredible picked up the tree with his super strength and started shaking it to try and get the cat down. Suddenly he heard sirens and noticed that the high speed chase was coming this way and he started shaking the tree harder and harder until the cat fell out. Then he swung the tree over into the road just as the criminals were about to drive past, causing them to ram into the tree.

He placed the tree back down just as his radio went off again.

"Attention all units! We have a tour bus robbery..."

"Tour bus robbery. I've still got time." Mr. Incredible muttered.

Mr. Incredible hopped into his car and fasten his seatbelt.

"Cool! Ready for take off." A voice said.

Mr. Incredible looked to the passenger seat and saw a young boy sitting in it wearing a mask and a cape.

"What the-? Who are you supposed to be?"

"I'm IncrediBoy!" He announced.

"What? No. You're that kid from the fan club. Brophy. Brody. Buddy! Buddy!"

"My name is IncrediBoy." He corrected.

"Look, I've been nice, I've stood for photos, signed every scrap of paper you pushed at me...but this..."

"No, no, no! You don't have to worry about training me. I know all your moves, your crime fighting style, favorite catch phrases, everything! I'm your number one fan!"

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