Chapter 4: Burning Building

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Bob and Lucius sat in the car laughing and listening to the radio.

"So now, I'm in trouble. I mean, one more jolt of this death Ray and I'm an epitaph. Somehow I managed to find cover. What does Baron Von Ruthless do?" Lucius asked

"He starts monologuing." Bob answered.

"He starts monologuing. He starts this prepared speech about how feeble I am compared to him. How inevitable my defeat is, the world will soon be his. Yada, yada, yada."

"Yammering." Bob laughed.

"Yammering! I mean, the guy has me on a platter and he won't shut up." Lucius ranted.

"Municiberg, we have a 23-56.."

"23-56, what is that? Robbery?" Bob asked.

"This is just sad."

"Robbery. Want to catch a robbery?"

"No. Tell you the truth, I'd rather go bowling. Look, what if we actually did what our wives think we're doing? Just to shake things up." Lucius suggested.

"What are we doing here Bob?"

"We're protecting people." He answered.

"Nobody asked us."

"You need an invitation?"

"I'd like one, yes. We keep sneaking out to do this, remember Gazerbeam?"

"There was something about him in the paper." Bob remembered.

"He had trouble with civilian life too."

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"I don't see anyone from the old days, Bob. Just you. But we're pushing our luck as it is."

"Come on, come on, come on." Bob urged.

"It was fun the first time, but if we keep doing this..."

"We have a report on a fire..."

"A fire! We're close! Yeah baby!" Bob shouted.

"We're gonna get caught." Lucius sighed, starting the car.

The two drove off, not noticing the car trailing behind them.


Bob and Lucius were inside the burning building wearing ski masks and carrying people on there shoulders.

"Is that everyone?" Lucius asked.

"Yeah, that's everyone."

"It better be!" Lucius tried to form ice, to put out the fire but wasn't having any luck.

"Can't you out this out?"

"I can't lay down a layer thick enough! It's evaporating too fast!"

"What's that mean?"

"It means it's hot! And I'm dehydrated Bob!" Lucius snapped.

"You're out of ice? You can't run out of ice. I thought you could use the water in the air."

"There is no water in this air! What's your excuse? Run out of muscle?"

"I can't just go smashing through walls. The buildings getting weaker by the second. It's gonna come down on top of us." Bob explained.

"I wanted to go bowling!"

Some debris fell down near them opening up a hallway.

"Alright! Stay right on my tail! This is gonna get hot!" Bob ordered.

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