Chapter 12: Intruder Alert!

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Vince, Dash, and (Y/n) had been sitting in the cave for a while, and Dash and (Y/n) were watching Vince practice creating forcefields around the fire.

(Y/n) watched patiently, with an amazed look on her face. She always loved it when Vince used his powers, and he had also pushed his hair back which allowed her to see more of his face. It was like Vince was becoming more of himself and she found it slightly attractive.

Vince, of course, noticed that she was paying attention to him and was trying extra hard to create a solid forcefield to impress her. 

"Well, not that this isn't fun, but I'm gonna go look around." Dash suddenly spoke picking up a stick from the fire as a makeshift torch.

"What do you think is going on here? You think we're on vacation or something?" Vince snapped, standing up and walking over to him. "Mom and Dad's lives could be in jeopardy. Or worse, their marriage."

"Their marriage?" Dash asked.

Vince nodded.

"So, the bad guys are trying to wreck Mom and Dad's marriage?"

"Oh forget it. You're so immature." Vince muttered.

"Okay, I'm gonna go look around." Dash turned to leave.

"Mom said to stay hidden."

"I'm not gonna leave the cave! Sheesh!" Dash rolled his eyes.

"Still, I don't know about-."

"You know, this gives you more alone him with you-know-who." Dash whispered to Vince.

Vince glanced over to (Y/n) then back at Dash.

"Promise you won't leave the cave?"


"Okay. Bye."

And with that, Dash walked farther into the cave and Vince walked back over and sat down next to (Y/n).

"Is he going to be okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah. He'll be fine." Vince promised.


Dash walked along the cave looking at all the walls when he noticed that the cave shifted from rock to metal.

There was a long metal tube that seemed to stretch for miles and Dash had stumbled onto it.

"Cool." He said, and his voice echoed through the metal tube.

"Cool!" He exclaimed louder, and his echo became louder as well.

Unbeknownst to him, Syndrome was preparing to fire a rocket out of the volcano and the fire from the blast had to come out somewhere.

Dash's smile turned to a frown when he saw the fire coming towards him.He used his super speed to run away.


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