Chapter 5: The New Job

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Bob sat in his office at work robotically typing on his computer when someone contacted him on the phone.

"Mr. Huph would like to talk to you in his office."

"Now?" Bob asked.



Mr. Huph sharpened a pencil and put it down next to three others so they were neatly organized.

"Sit down, Bob."

Bob sat down and looked at his boss with a blank expression.

"I'm not happy, Bob. Not happy." Mr. Huph grumbled. "Ask me why."

"Okay. Why?"

"Why what? Be specific, Bob."

"Why are you unhappy?" Bob asked monotonously.

"Your customers make me unhappy."

"What, you've gotten complaints?" Bob asked.

"Complaints I can handle. What I can't handle is your customers' inexplicable knowledge of Insuricare's inner workings! They're experts. Experts Bob! Exploiting every loophole, dodging every obstacle! They're penetrating the bureaucracy!" Mr. Huph ranted.

"Did I do something illegal?" Bob asked.

"No." His boss said with gritted teeth.

"Are you saying we shouldn't help our customers?"

"The law requires that I answer 'no'."

"We're supposed to help people." Bob argued.

"We're supposed to help our people! Starting with our stockholders, Bob. Who's helping them out, huh?"

Mr. Huph let out a sigh.

"You know, Bob, a company..."

"Is like an enormous clock." Bob answered.

"I'd like an enormous...Yes, precisely! It only works if all the little cogs mesh together. Now, a clock needs to be cleaned, well lubricated and wound tight. The best clocks have jewel movements, cogs that fit, that cooperate by design. I'm being metaphorical Bob. You know why I mean by cooperative cogs?"

Bob wasn't paying attention anymore. Instead, he was focused on a man that was getting mugged outside of the window.

"Bob? Bob?" Mr. Huph grabbed Bob's face. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, Parr!"

"That man out there, he needs help."

"Don't change the subject, Bob. We're discussing your attitude."

"He is getting mugged." Bob pointed to the window.

"Well let's hope we don't cover him." Mr. Huph responded sarcastically.

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