Chapter 3: Dinner Discussions

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The Parr family were all sitting down at dinner, with (Y/n) joining them as she usually did when her parents were out working late. Bob and Helen sat at the ends of the table and Vince and Dash sat together on one side, while (Y/n) and Jack-Jack sat on the other end.

Most of the family was in a crummy mood after today and they all watched in silence as Helen was feeding the youngest, Jack-Jack, while making weird noises and faces.

"Mom. You're making weird faces again." Dash whined.

"No, I'm not." She denied.

"You makes weird faces, honey." Bob cut in, without looking up from his newspaper.

Helen glared at him. "Do you have to read at the table?"

"Uh-huh. Yeah."

Helen turned to Dash who was trying to rip his meat apart. "Smaller bites Dash. Yikes! Bob, could you help the carnivore cut his meat?"

Bob sighed, but leaned over to cut Dash's food.

"Dash, do you have something you wanna tell your father about school?" Helen asked.

Dash chuckled nervously. "Uh...well, we dissected a frog."

"Dash got sent to the office again." Helen stated bluntly.

"Good. Good." Bob muttered, distracted.

"No, Bob, that's bad."

Bob looked up at her. "What?"

"Dash got sent to the office again." Helen repeated.

"What? What for?"

"Nothing." Dash grumbled.

"He put a tack on the teachers chair, during class."

"Nobody saw me. You could barely see it on the tape." Dash sneered.

"They caught you on tape and you still got away with it? Whoa! You must have been booking. How fast do you think you were going?" Bob asked excitedly as he cut the meat faster.

"Bob, we are not encouraging this." Helen scolded.

"I'm not encouraging, I'm just asking how fast-!"


Bob looked down and saw that he was cutting so fast, that he cut right through the plate and the table.

"Great. First the car, now I gotta pay to fix the table..." Bob mumbled.

"The car? What happened to the car?"

Little did Helen know, that Bob accidentally slammed the door closed too hard and broke the window.

Bob didn't say anything, however. He just gave Dash his plate. "Here. I'm getting a new plate."

Helen cleared her throat and turned to Vince. "So, how about you, Vi? How was school?"

"Nothing to report." He said quietly.

He wished he could tell his family that he had finally worked up the courage to ask out the girl sitting across from him, but sadly, no.

"You've hardly touched your food." Helen noticed.

"I'm not hungry for meatloaf."

"Well, it is leftover night. We have steak, pasta...what are you hungry for?" She asked.

"(Y/n)~" Dash whispered teasingly.

"Shut up." Vince hissed glancing up at (Y/n) to see she hadn't heard him.

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