Chapter 3- Just a cafe date and much more

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(F/d)= favorite drink

(F/s)= favorite sweet


(Name) was pacing around his room in a Komi fashion kind of way, slightly panicking. He and Saiki exchanged numbers the other day and texted him if he was free for today so that he can treat him with some sweets and coffee at 2, in which Saiki replied with a yes.

It was 1:00 pm and now he was getting ready to go out. Dressing up, check his bag if he has everything, questioning if he looks good or not and silently regretting his life's choices- the usual.

He put on his shoes and grabbed the doorknob, only to stop when he heard his mom clear her throat.

"Your going out? Your not going to get another manga, right? where are you going? Are you gonna meet someone?" His mom asked. He turned around and nodded.

His mom's face lit up with a bright smile. "You are? How nice! That means you've made another friend, right?" She asked and he nodded.

"Well whoever your gonna meet, I hope I meet them someday! Maybe you can tell me all about them later!" She said and looked up to her son. "You better get going, don't want them to hang around for too long!" She reminded him, in which he waved goodbye and headed out the door.

'I didn't even say anything and I'm already tired...' he thought and walked to Saiki's house to pick him up.


(Name) went up the gate of the Saiki's residence and looked at it, amazed at how big it is. It took up a lot of land than the other houses in the neighborhood.

'Though, compared to my house, it's a bit bigger than his..' he thought as he went up the door and knocked on it. Footsteps were heard from the inside and he stepped back a little, not wanting to get hit in the face by the door.

It was opened by Saiki, all dressed up in casual clothes, and a short, black haired women wearing a purple-ish long sleeved shirt, some Jean's and a yellow apron. She looks very young, probably in her 20's.

'Is that Saiki's mom? She looks young for her age..' he thought and waved at the two with a slight smile.

She stumbled back a bit and pointed at him. "K-kusuo, is this boy your friend?" She asked.

"He is indeed, my friend" Saiki said which made his mom burst into tears of happiness and the otaku a bit confused.

"Oh dear! My little boy finally has a friend, I'm so happy!" She exclaimed. The otaku sighed, being in that same scenario a few minutes ago with his mom, but not as dramatic.

Kurumi wiped her tears and went up to the tall otaku, a little too near in fact. "What's your name young man? And thank you for being friends with my Ku-chan!" She asked with a closed eye smile.

(Name) stepped back a little, nervously sweating. He gets nervous around other adults, especially his friend's parents. He didn't want to say anything offensive so he just stood there and not answered.

Saiki went up to his mom. "Your making him uncomfortable and his name is (L/n) (Name), mom" he said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Totally Ordinary kid ( Saiki Kusuo x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now