Chapter 5- It's just fortune telling, and more

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*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring*

*Ring rin-*


(Name) turned off his clock and groggily got up from bed, scratching his eye.

"Mmghh..." he groaned and started to get ready for school. Taking a shower, drying himself, putting on his uniform, getting his bag and so on.

When a person has extreme social anxiety, also known as sociophobia, the struggle to communicate with others.

He came downstairs and made his own breakfast, seeing that the dining area, living room and kitchen completely barren.

He finished his food, cleaned up his mess and headed out the door.

But keep this in mind:
Their only struggling to communicate, it doesn't mean that they don't want to form long lasting connections or friendships.

(Name) walked up to his school and headed inside, the streets and the outside barely had anyone outside if you didn't count any cars or trucks passing by.

He entered his classroom, which is also empty, and sat down on his seat. He pulled out his phone and checked the time.

6:00 am

6:00 AM?!


"Did you go to house of fortune telling, Chiyo?"

(Name) woke up from his nap and looked around him to find his other classmates in the classroom, as well as Saiki and his other friends.

'How long did I sleep? Hope I didn't sleep through the first subject...' he thought.

'Don't worry, he didn't sleep through class. He did come in class really early though...' Saiki thought, who was sitting beside (Name).

"It was amazing! They said that I'd be able to break up with Takeru and find a new boyfriend!" Chiyo exclaimed.

'House of fortune telling? Sounds like a scam..' (Name) thought, slowly drifting of to dreamland.

Kaido came up to them and started to talk about fortune telling but (Name) was too tired to hear anything that came out of the baby blue haired boy's mouth. He then started going of about a fantasy he made up, Kaido's second year syndrome starting to show.

'If Nakanaka was a real girl, she'd definitely be friends with you... I think they'd make a great couple.. or power duo..' (Name) thought, imagining what their hangouts would be like.

'Judging by how you picture her, I also think they'd go great with each other' Saiki agreed, watching Kaido walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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