Chapter 4- It's just a new transfer student, and more

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(Name) didn't expect a lot of things when the new semester started. He expected the usual things that happens in high school. The usual talking, studying, lecturing, reading, gossiping- all that jazz. He was the type to go through his day and to come back home, do his homework and played video games after.

He didn't expect to walk down the hall to his classroom and see a crowd of girls blocking his path. All of them squealing and hoping what their guardian spirit is, that's what he heard from the crowd.

He sighed in exhaustion and turned around to find another path to go through, only to be stopped mid-action when Nendo yelled out his nickname.

"Hey nerd! Do you wanna know what your guardian spirit is?" He exclaimed.

(Name) sulked. 'Damn you, Nendou. It's way too early for this! I just f*cking got here!' He cursed out and turned around.

A purple haired student wearing a white bandana came up to him with fascinated eyes, like a puppy that discovered the perfect chew toy.

He awed at him. "You have a lot of guardian spirits! It's hard to count them all" he said and came a little too close to him.

(Name) glared at the medium for being in his personal bubble. No way he's getting some freak near him. 'Get away from me. Your not the main character of this story' he thought.

His glare worked, sending the medium a few steps away from him. "S-sorry! Didn't mean to be burst your bubble!" He said and raised his hands in surrender.

"Hmph.." he hummed and walked away, passing through everyone in the crowd. They watched him enter his class and shut the door. Once he left, the girls immediately started asking questions about their guardian spirit.

'That maybe his only words he's ever gonna say' Saiki thought.


School classes has ended and everyone went home. (Name) already went home in a flash since he had a new game he's been dying to play so Saiki didn't have an excuse to come with him, to his disappointment. He was kinda confused why Toritska didn't know that Nendou was actually real, so he followed him to his temple to get answers.

"Hey Saiki, there's something that I've got to show you but you have to touch me using your psychometry power, okay?" Toritska as they walked into his temple.

"I think when you see this, you'll understand why I was so confused before" He said as Saiki placed his hand on his shoulder.

'Is that..?' He asked and looked ahead of them. There laid Nendou's dad, in ghost form, sleeping at the foot of Toritska's temple.

"Allow me to introduce my guardian spirit..." Toritska said as he looked over the corner and sulked.

"I'm sorry, you really do have it rough.." Saiki said and let go of Toritska's shoulder. "Earlier today, when you said (Name) had a lot of guardian spirits, what did you mean by that?" He asked.

He perked up and looked at Saiki. "Curiosity got the best of ya, huh?" He asked with a sly smirk and was rewarded with a menacing glare from the stronger psychic.

Totally Ordinary kid ( Saiki Kusuo x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now